Character Info 🖤

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  Alexa Mansour as Astrid Avani Cave

Astrid is the younger sister of Mitchel and Clinton Cave

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Astrid is the younger sister of Mitchel and Clinton Cave. She is also the youngest in her family of vampires. She is a sarcastic, intelligent, and snarky 19 year old girl with a talent for songwriting. She is in a relationship with Christian, who is the only human in the group of four. Her and her brothers are natural born vampires and she is the only one who has not turned their partner. She struggles daily to not drink from Christian and bring him to the dark side. However, she restrains herself as she loves him too deeply to turn him without his consent.

"Fuck you Mitchel. Who cares if I'm the only one whose in love with a human? At least I'm pretty."

Christian Anthony as Christian Anthony

Christian is the only human in the friend group

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Christian is the only human in the friend group. He is a cautious, considerate, and kind hearted man. He is a talented guitarist and a charmer. Being the only non-vampire in his small circle of friends, he is often intimidated by Astrid and her siblings. He gets along well with Clinton, while Mitchel he tends to struggle to see eye to eye with. He often worried about his relationship, as he knows the struggles that come with human/vampire relationships. He contemplates allowing Astrid to turn him, but he isn't quite sure he's ready to give up on being a human.

"Mitchel it's not my fault! I'm not comfortable with it and she respects that. I'm sorry your sister isn't a heartless bastard like you who just turns the love of their life for their own convenience!"

Mitchel Cave as Mitchel Cave:

Mitchel is the middle child in the Cave family

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Mitchel is the middle child in the Cave family. He is a stoic, selfish and violent man. He generally doesn't open up to anyone other than his sister Astrid or wife Stella. He almost never shows any emotion other than anger. He is incredibly over protective over his sister and despite being an overall cold person, he would give up his life for her in an instant. While he doesn't harbour a hatred for Christian, he is relatively uncomfortable with his sister being with a human. He feels as though her fighting her urges for too long will simply hurt her and Christian rather than help.

"I hope you realize I have done nothing but sacrifice my very way of life just for you to be happy. Now do my a favor and get the hell out."

Clinton Cave as Clinton Cave:

Clinton is the oldest of the Cave family

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Clinton is the oldest of the Cave family. He is very non confrontational and generally a very timid man. While he doesn't often express how he is feeling exactly, he is nowhere near as stoic as the younger Mitchel. He loves his sister with all his heart and he is not hesitant to show it. He is not at all disapproving of Christian and Asrid's relationship and is in fact happy that Astrid found someone like Christian, a non vampire.

"If I had a choice I wouldn't be a vampire and I would go back and not turn my wife into one. It was the worst decision I ever made and my children now have a 100% chance of carrying the same burden I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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