The letter to the jerk.

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            You suck. So much. I hope no girl ever, EVER, has to go through what you put me through. Because it was a living hell. You seemed so nice, so innocent, and so perfect. Hah, that’s a good joke. You suck! Do you understand what you put me through? I’m a mess. An absolute, gigantic MESS! I can’t blame you for all of it, but you’re a big part of it. I might never trust anyone ever again because of you. I thought you took my breath away, but then I realized I was just being suffocated by your bullcrap. You buttered me up, made it seem like everything was well and good, then you ditched me after the disaster. To make everything SO much better, you ignored me. Completely. Man, you are really good at that game. Good thing I’m better. I probably sound like a giant brat right now. Good. Great. Wonderful. I’m glad. That’s better then what you were. I would say what you are, but I’d like to keep this computer pure. You are a turd. A GIGANTIC POOP IN THE PORTA POTTY. Not even the clean one. One that has mold, and bacteria, and STDs crawling around it. Man, you suck. Do you practice being a horrible person? Can you tell me where you learned? I’d really like to know. Can you lend me your copy of “Being a jerk for dummies?” You told me I was “special”. Please. I was just about as special to you as pickles are to a brownie recipe, (I know that similes might b hard for you to comprehend, so that means you’re really unimportant.) Flick you. FLICKKKKKKK YOUUUU! People say you’re doing well, well I’m doing better…without you. Don’t bother coming back. An apology, or explanation would be nice. You’re too selfish and uncaring and jerky and poopy and horrible and cruel to do that though. I know I’m being mean, go cry about it. I cried about how you hurt me, so suck it up. I can’t believe you. My gosh, you’re horrible. Ew. Yuck. Ick. Nasty. Barf.

            I’m laughing. How was I so stupid? To fall for that crap? My goodness I’m an idiot. Not as big of an idiot as you, but an idiot. I don’t know how you have friends.

            When I stop caring about someone, it’s EXTREMELY hard for me to start caring about them, so good luck with that one.

            You’ve called me mean things. A slut, weirdo, creep, ect. Whatevs. I’ve been called worse. Like…

Your friend.

                                                            Chill yourself,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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