chapter 1

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i was standing at the door waiting for my mother to arrive. she had gone for church tour last week. i was really excited to meet her after full 7 days. yes, i indeed love her. i lost my father two years ago and back then it was my mother who is the pillar of my life after that. i hear the horn of her car and turns my head in it direction. i feel my lips curling up seeing my mother with all balloons in one hand and her head out from the window.

"hey my princess daughter. i am home." she screams from other corner and i couldn't help but giggle.

i pretend to sigh and walks to her. she hands me some bags which has all gifts she has got for me. i take all those bags and heads towards the entrance.

"how are you mom?" i ask in a soft tone.

"well i am at peace now. i enjoyed my little trip how about you?" she asks me as she walks behind me. shutting the door behind her. this question makes me shut my eyes and all those memories of him floods up in front of me. i bite my lips to suppress the gasp. i mask up a smiling face and turns back to her. " it was good mom. but i missed ya."

my mother's face drains as soon as final word slips from my tongue. i guess her motherly alarm is full on active mode.

"are you sure bella. your voice is saying something else?" she peers me right through my eyes.

"no-no mom its. hahah nothing" i tried to laugh but it came out some funny noise.

i could see from the corner of my eyes she was all set for her next question. i crossed my finger and prayed silently to help me.i am terrible liar and mom knows it. but i couldn't speak the truth to her. atleast not now! she might go all paranoid on me. may be she will stop my further studies and to worst she might make a decision to leave the place. oh god i dont want to migrate anywhere. i love new York and wanna spend my life here.

the chain of thoughts are broke with a tap on my shoulder. i look up just to find her on phone. she signs me "she will be back" through her hand language and i smiles and nods her yes.

i sigh and up heads to her room. i have to unpack her bags and need to do some laundry i guess!

i open the door and keeps all the bags down near bed. one by one i unpack her bags and keeps what ever is nice and clean other clothes goes in laundry bin.

i am soon done with all unpacking. i look at the door but sees her no where in sight. she is taking long time so i decides to go to my room and complete soem work that i have left this morning.

picking up the laundry and dumping it in machine i walk to my room. as i am about to open the door my nose twitched on some pungent smell. what it could be? i wonder.

with my eye brow kissing each other i turns the knob and opens the door ajar. its very dark in here. strange! i don't keep windows shut. i struggle for the switches and finds it on end of the wall. i quickly on it. the light blinks like a thunder suddenly brightening up the entire room. my eyes casually runs across the room and gasps ecapes my lips. there is he sitting on my bed with his head hugs to the floor. i could see the cigarette he is holding in one hand and the smoke is fresh. why is he here now? all of sudden my entire emotions bottles up and fear and worry are the dominant of all. i am afraid of him as in his capacity he can practically do anything. and then i am worried , worried for my mother. i dont want her to be harmed. i tries to sink inside the wooden door before he could see me. but i am so wrong, who i am fooling? he knows everything about me. he is dangerous, he is crazy. he is scary. he is JASON MCCAN....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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