day seven

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Marks p.o.v

Mark had failed at his attempt to convince Soojin that Hyunjin was no good, he knew she was either with other vampires or Hyunjin really did hurt her.
After he was betrayed by the one he loved, he swore that it wouldn't happen again, and that it certainly wouldn't happen to his sister.

But he feared she had already fallen into the dark pit, the pit of happiness, false happiness, the temporary happiness and joy. To soon be swallowed by what's real, he didn't like Hyunjin a single bit.

Nothing would change his mind, he tried to think through a plan.
'How can I get her away from him? This demon of a friend.' He thought, stressed out he ran a hand through his hair.
His sister had just left the house, she's probably somewhere with that vampire.
His sigh deepened.

Frustrated. He felt helpless, 'There must be something I can do!' He paced the room, soon pausing, an idea coming to mind.
"I just need her to be afraid of him, if I could set up some type of trap. Something that could make her fear him, but how?" He Thought once more.

He didn't want his sister to get hurt in the process of whatever his plan might be, but if it gets her away from him, then maybe... just maybe... it'll work.

Soojin's p.o.v

Soojin's brother was right, she was with Hyunjin, in fact she was with all of them, Minho, Chan, Felix, Woojin, Jeongin, Seungmin, Changbin, and Jisung.

She had grown more comfortable around them, they were all really close.
Although she was the only girl, it didn't bother her, less drama!

They had all gone for a walk in the woods, finding a trail that was hidden within the park.
Laughing, making jokes and having a great time.
Soojin felt uneasy, what her brother said to her had been bugging her the entire time.
Trying to enjoy their time together, she just... couldn't quite stay focused.

Hyunjin had noticed her seeming distracted and decided to show her something, in hopes of getting her mind off of whatever was bothering her.
"Hey, wanna seem something?" He whispered to her in her ear.

She looked over at him and nodded "Why are we whispering?" She asked through a whisper giggling a little.
"Because I don't want them to follow us." He whispered back, pointing at the 8 males being too into their conversation and jokes to notice them staying behind.

She smiled "Alright, let's go" she said and let hyunjin lead the way.
He took her down another trail, it looked like it was formed from someone walking down this was many times.
Not too noticeable that people would be going through a lot.

Soon the sound of rushing waters became louder, she could see a river next to them.
The water crystal clear blue, you could all of the fish and different sea life in the water.
It was amazing, seen at it was just a river and not the ocean.

Hyunjin reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers together. Hyunjin looked at her in admiration, noticing of perfect her lips were shaped, how he would be able to softly kiss them right now if he wanted to.
Getting himself to focus again her lead her to as water fall.

"So that's where all of the rushing water sounds was from." The female smiling in amazement, holding onto Hyunjin's hand a little tighter than she needed to.
"Wow... it's so beautiful here.." On top of the rushing waters, she could hear the sound of the birds tweeting, singing sweet melodies.

"It really is beautiful, I've always come here when I was younger. Not many people know about it. So it's kinda just a place that holds many memories for me." He replied, looking around.
As if he was watching his memories of his childhood play all over again, as if I were just happening.
His smiled softened, his eyes closed, he was peaceful.

Soojin was glad that he was able to share such an important place to him, a place that he held deeply in his heart.
"We should start heading back towards the others." Hyunjin said after taking a slow deep breath in and out.

She nodded in agreement and let him lead her back up the path that they came down.

—Time Skip—

Hyunjin had taken Soojin home, "Thank you for taking me back, you really didn't need to." She said, thanking hyunjin happily.
"No problem" He smiled and moved closer to her, planting a soft kiss on her forehead, a slight blush almost visible on her cheeks.
She smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked him. Opening her door to her home, "Yeah, I'll see you then. Gotta go home and eat." He said, watching her go inside.

"Yeah, you'll need to do that" She laughed out softly.

Before she could say goodbye to Hyunjin she felt a pull on her shoulder, "What now Mark?" She asked, seeing her brother stand there. Staring down Hyunjin. "Just leave him alone." She said annoyed. "I'll text you later, okay?" She said to hyunjin with a smile and waved to him goodbye.

Once she closed the door she looked at her brother, "What is the matter with you?" She asked, walking to the living room, after removing her shoes.

"You know I care for you right? I just need you to listen to me." He said, not wanting to follow through with his plan, if his sister doesn't listen to him.

"Look Mark. I love Hyunjin. There I said it, I love him, I really do. He makes me so happy, in ways no one else ever could, I am begging you to please stop. I know he's a vampire, but he wouldn't hurt me." She said staring at her brother in the eyes.

He sighed, "I don't want to do this to you, but you left me no choice..." He said, moving closer to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, taking a step backwards.

He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer to him, taking out a needle with a clear liquid in it, stabbing it into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry..."

[Author's Note]

Woah. Crazy brother amirite?? 😂😂

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