Hi ;)

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The front door of the two-story family home creaked shut as Leon stepped his way inside, a rather small mudroom appearing before him. Its white walls had speckles of mud near the base of them, as the tan tile looked like it needed a bit of a cleaning. Nevertheless, Leon tossed aside a duffel bag full of his now dirty baseball uniform as he kicked off his shoes. Once he stepped more into the actual house part, he bellowed out to his parents, "I'm home!"

It wasn't long until a feminine voice, coming from his mother, could be heard echoing off the walls, "One second, dear! I'm helping your father out with something!"

Leon took that as his chance to make his way to their entertainment area. He flopped down on the couch as he grabbed the remote for the TV, switching it on to the channel it had been left on; A Soap Opera. This must have been his mother's doing, but even then... Leon couldn't complain. He had a soft spot for Soap Operas such as the one playing.

From what Leon could gather from only just tuning in, main protagonist Matsune Hiku just left side ex-love interest Fred Doodleburg, Prince of Somewhere (Leon didn't quite catch that part). Apparently, Fred had been cheating on Matsune with some other chick, Barbie, for a matter of 5 months. They also sprinkled in the fact that Barbie was pregnant but knowing how Soap Operas go it probably isn't Fred's kid. Whichever way this Soap Opera was going to go though, Leon was absolutely engrossed in it.

Leon was nearly at the edge of his seat, his elbows resting on his knees as his hands were clasped together. He was leaning towards the screen as parts got intense. Matsune was just about to tell Fred her mind, just about to end the relationship and show her true feelings, to show that... She was a Lesbian this whole time. Just as the big reveal happened, Leon's mother walked in with a large smile on her face. Leon almost groaned in frustration... Almost.

"Leon! How was the game, dear?" Leon's mother was a simple woman, to put things nicely. Instead of what you'd think a mother would dress like, she wore a black and white striped shirt under a black band t-shirt. She wore ripped black jeans and black hearts under her eyes written in eyeliner, smoky eyes to top it all off. Leon would gawk at his mother's attire, but sadly this was an everyday occurrence for him. He put on a small grin as his mother made his way over to hug him on the couch.

"It was fine, mom. We won, eight to two, the other team never stood a chance against us!" Leon put a fist to his chest once his mother had let go of his neck, sitting straight up in pride. The couch shifted as his mother sat down beside him, excitedly putting her hands in her lap. Leon took this chance to question the older woman, "Hey, where's dad?"

"Oh, you know your father, always horsing around! You just know how he *loves* the tablecloth. I'll go get him!" With that, the older woman got up off the couch, mumbling something about not being able to sit down for a minute. Though, the words did not match her content facial features.

Leon only nodded and looked back at the screen as something to do. Not only had he missed the confession of Matsune being a lesbian, but he had just missed the coming out of Fred being trans. Leon mumbled to himself, "Damn, it's hard to keep up with this series, but good for them. Trans and Gay rights."

It didn't take long for Leon's mother to appear once again, this time with... clicks and clacks trailing behind her. To any normal person, that would be a bit weird. For one, they were inside a home, only weirdos wear shoes indoors, and heels at that. Secondly, human feet do not sound like a horse's hooves. So... Why that noise? Well, dear reader, you've got a big storm coming.

Following Leon's mom back into the room, a... goat trailed close behind. It had dark red fur with a white belly and beard. It was chewing some sort of fabric, which could be assumed that it was the tablecloth mentioned prior. The goat made its way to sniff Leon, Leon greeting it with a pat between its horns, a smile still plastered onto his face, "Hi, dad, what's up?"

The goat only made a goat noise, swallowing the piece of tablecloth before reaching out to try and grab into Leon's white jacket. Leon pulled his arm back and made a 'tch' sound with his teeth, "daaaaaad, I just got this jacket... You've already chewed my old ones, let me have this."

Another goat noises.

"... No, I haven't gotten a partner yet, Dad. Stop..."

And yet, another goat noise.

"AND THAT'S WHEN I'M GOING TO MY ROOM. Bye Mom and Dad!" Leon's face was dusted a pink as he stood up, a hand buried into his spikey red hair as he made his way out of the room. He ignored his mother's shouting as he rounded up the stairs. Now, he just had to survive dinner later...

Leon and his ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now