Chapter 1

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Leah is a 17 year old girl who is abuse by her family,her family hates her and her doesn't know why. Her sister calls her names and hurts her everyday.

She just wants to get away from then but where will she go,there is something that no one knows about her.

She is a little.

Leah'd POV

I was laying down in my bed hugging my favorite toy bunny. His name is bunbun and he is always there for me. My family hits me everyday,it started when I was 7 and I don't know why they do it. My older sister Emma also hits me.

I then here some noise coming from downstairs,it sounds like my parents talking to someone,I then here a new voice. "Time is up,you have failed to pay me now you are dead"I then hear my mom say something. "W-wait! Please don't kill us! W-what if we give you our daughter Leah? She is such a brat! Please!"

Tears start to well in my eyes,I'm not a brat,I'm a good girl. I stand up and start to walk downstairs when I lock eyes with a handsome man.

Hunter's POV

I arrive at the Valentine household in my limo,and get out walking in. As soon as I walk in Mr. And Mrs. Valentine are shocked. "Time is up,you have failed to pay me now you are dead"As I walk towards them Mrs. Valentine says something.

"W-wait! Please don't kill us! W-what if we give you our daughter Leah? She is a brat! Please!"

My eyes turn red when I hear this, 'These sick people will really sell their daughter?'. I then see a small girl walk down the stairs holding a toy bunny in her hand. We lock eyes.

3rd Person POV

Leah looks at Hunter and Hunter looks at Leah. Emma then runs towards Leah and grabs her bruise arm and drags her down the stairs, pushing her to the ground. "Take her! She is a worthless mistake!!!"Leah then starts crying softly,she hugs bunbun.

Hunter growls at Emma and walks towards Leah,he then squats and looks into her teary frosty blue eyes,"Shh don't cry little one"Hunter says in a soft tone and touchs her cheek making Leah whimper. "I'm not going to to hurt you."

Hunter picks Leah up gently,"See your okay"He smiles softly and caresses her cheek. "Now be a good girl and go pack your things"Leah nods and Hunters puts her down so she can go upstairs.

Once Leah goes upstairs Hunter turns his attention to Mr. and Mrs. Valentine and Emma. "If anyone of you EVERY lay a hand one her again,I will come back and kill you all!!"

Leah was upstairs and heard everything,she finish packing her clothes and grabs bunbun. She didn't have alot of stuff because her parents barely bought her anything.

She then walks downstairs and walks over to Hunter,"I-Im done"She whimpers and looks up at Hunter. He was really tall,she was only 5'0.

Hunter's POV

I look at Leah and smiles,she is so cute and small. I pick her up then hears a small whimper come from her soft lips. I look at her and sees that she is hiding her stomach,I lift up her shirt slightly revealing a bruise on her tummy. My eyes turn from their emerald green color to red. I growl softly and look at her parents and Emma.

I put Leah down and turns to one of my bodyguards,"Take Leah into the limo"He nods and takes Leah away. I turn and look at her parents and Emma,"So you like hitting little girls?"I chuckle evily punch her father  in face not using my full strength.

I fix my suit and walks to the limo with my bodyguards,one gets in the driver side and the rest gets in the cars,I look over to Leah who was playing with her bunny.

3rd Person POV

Leah plays with bunbun,she the looks over at Hunter who was looking at her. Her cheeks start to heat up and she looks away embarrassed. She then hears Hunter chuckle softly. He picks Leah up and puts her in his lap,he gets out some candy.

Leah starts to reach for it but he pulls the candy back. "Before you can get the candy tell me about yourself"Leah nods. "W-well I am 17 years old. My f-favorite color is a light shade of pink. M-my favorite food is pizza,and I love cookies and milk! Oh and this is bunbun!"Leah giggles and shows him the bunny making his heart melt.

"Cute,are you a little?" Hunter already knew the answer to the question,Leah then nods. "Use your words"He says sternly, making her bite her bottom lip. "Y-yes sir"Hunter smiles. "Good girl,but for now on you will call me daddy." Leah blushes but nods,"Y-yes daddy"

Hunter smiles and gives her the candy. Leah takes it,"Thank chu daddy!"She giggles and eats the candy. For some reason she felt safe in his arms. She smiles and nuzzles his chest,she finishes the candy and holds bunbun in her arms.

"When we get home you are going to take a nap,when you wake up we are going to go over some Rules, Punishment,and Rewards. Then we will go shopping. Do you understand?"

Leah nods,Hunter hits her thigh softly. "What was that?"He growls making Leah whimper,"I u-understand daddy"Hunter kisses her forehead "good girl."

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