Chap 12 *Who Is She?*

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Cynthia's P.O.V

We both turned around and saw none other than...........Carolyn looking at us wide-eyed with shock plastered on her face.

And when i saw what she was looking at, i saw our position and it looked like we were kissing and i too widened my eyes at our position but at the exact same time, i got an idea to get revenge from this jerkac right here so i smirked and pulled him even closer and he widened his eyes too and then i pushed him even closer which made him confused and me to smirk as my plan started working when i noticed widened eyes of Carolyn bitch. 

He pushed me which made me stumble and he ran towards Carolyn who for the very first time had a sad look on her face which made me even more satisfied so i bring back my satisfying and beautiful smile, i dusted the imaginary dust off of my clothes and turned around to leave and now this was my turn to stand there shocked as i saw freak (frank) walsh standing there widened-eyes.

"Never knew you'd move on this fast" He said as he came closer and i gave him the neutral look, the look i give to the people i want to kill.

"Yeah, Like you ever even deserved me" I said while rolling my eyes, he tried to come even closer to me but i acted fast and placed my hands on his chest "Woah easy there, freak" I said and stepped back to create the proper distance between us.

"Why don't you go away and leave me alone forever, i am seriously disgusted by your face" I said, shook my head and walked towards my locker, took my books out and walked away leaving the gaping frank behind.

I saw mac waving at me so i walked towards him and gave him a hug and greeted him.

"What were you talking about with that freak?" He asked tilting his head a bit.

"Nothing, since he's my ex, i was just telling him to mind his own business" I said as i shrugged and started walking towards class.

"Oh so have you yet moved on from him.......or not?" He asked probably being confused.

"Actually i'm not over it but i'm over him" I asked which made 'the-already-confused' mac even more confused.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He said as we entered the class.

"You'll know later" I said and smiled as we sat on our benches.

Time Skip To Lunch 

I was walking towards the canteen when someone tapped on my shoulder and i turned around to see who it was, i smiled once i saw it was Suzanne, the most adorable person out there.

"Heyy" I said as i hugged her tightly.

"Hey, how are you? long time no see"

"But it was just yesterday?" I said while laughing at her cuteness.

"Oh yeah right, sorry" She said while bowing down her head.

"No need for that, silly, Lets go for lunch, eh?"


We went towards the canteen, bought our lunch and sat down together and that's when destiny came too and sat with us,

"Hey, how are you?" I asked while munching on my fries.

"Good, ooh your Suzanne, right?" She asked Suzanne and i saw her getting a bit uncomfortable so i smiled at her telling her that it's ok.

"Yeah.. Hi" She said trying to blend in with us.

"Hi, I'm Destiny, Destiny Harper" Destiny said while sticking out her hand for a hand-shake while smiling purely at her.

"I'm Suzanne Miller" She said and shook hands with her and just in five minutes, they were talking like best-friends and i was sitting there third-wheeling them.

"Hellllooo, I am here too, ya know?" I said while waving my hands in front of them to let them know i still exist.

"Oh really?" Destiny asked while they both made puppy eyes for forgiveness and i laughed at their cuteness and after a while they started laughing too.

"Your forgiven" I said while grinning and just then the bell rang so we all left to take our leaves to our classes.

After separating, i started walking towards my class but i felt like someone was following me so i turned to see none other than the jerk himself and i swear i haven't rolled my eyes so hard.

"What do you want now?" I said with the bored voice that came out naturally and i so wanted to laugh at how much my inner self hate this guy.

"Do you really had to do that?" He asked looking like a fighter bull which has horns on his head.

"But what did i do?" I asked smiling innocently and batting my eyelashes acting dumb at him.

"Oh trust me i so wanna choke you to death right now but guess what i will take revenge of this shit" He said taking a step closer so i took two steps closer.

"Go ahead" I whispered while smirking and left to take my class because i knew he couldn't do anything.

After Class

As soon as the bell rang, i took my books and left the class with mac who was continuously going on and on about how much he is excited for the football game match and i looked at him begging him to stop. 

"Will you stop for god's sake?" I asked loosing it all.

"Oh, sorry" He said as he chuckled nervously when he realized he was talking continuously from the class to the lockers.

"Finally" I said as we both started laughing. 

"I have to go now, see you tomorrow" I said as i hugged him and turned around to leave. I was walking when my mobile dinged so i took it out and saw a message from an unknown number.

Unknown Number : "Watch out for your next step"

I frowned at the text, what did it even meant? It was a bit weird because i never got these kind of texts before so i decided to reply.

Me : "What do you mean and who are you?"

Unknown Number :  "Doesn't matter who i am, main point is that the next thing your going to see won't make you happy"

I frowned once again but decided to ignore it thinking it can be a scam or something. I put the mobile back in my pocket and was about walk outside the school when i couldn't believe what i was seeing.

That Jerkac ( Issac ) was making out with.........


Well, It's been more than just a month since i updated and it's probably unforgivable but i'm so sorry i really was caught up with so many things but i sure would try so hard to update weekly if not daily.

What do you guys think?

How was today's chapter?

Did you understood that line which made mac more confused?

Did Issac and Carolyn broke up?

What kind of revenge was Issac talking about?

With whom Issac was making out?

Until next time,
With much love❤❤

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