Cool Boi Aladdin :3

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Alright, my grammar is terrible and I'm not good with stories so bear with me here if I mess up like 100 times. :3 YEYEYEYE

Also, this story is a mixture between the old movie, new movie, and some made-up stuff. Well, the story is already made up cause it's Disney... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

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(This is what you'll be wearing. It's one of the only dresses I could find that looked peasant-like but pretty at the same time :D)

HELLO! My name is Y/N and my best friend is Aladdin. Most of the time, we hang out at his abandoned home (btw we live together)  The other part of our time together, we usually steal from the people at the marketplace. It's not like we do it for fun. We do it go get us by on food for the rest of our lives. Ok, I admit it is a little bit funny seeing the shop owner's expressions. We always have a secret strategy. I'm the sexy girl who charms the men and Aladdin steals while I detract them. Oh yeah, and Abu picks up the things that Aladdin drops on the ground. It's a pretty cool life. Well, one day in the marketplace changed my life forever.

"Come back here you thief!" The man yells at Aladdin.

"Sorry, can't do that." Aladdin runs off and guards follow him. Once he gets to a corner, I tell the guards that he went straight. :3 Oopsie, I guess he took a turn. >:3

Once we meet in one of the small allies, we give each other a high five and share the watermelon using his knife that he stole from the guy at well at the fruit.

"Nice going, Al. You keep getting batter at your act every time." I give him a grin.

"Thanks, Y\N. You did well too. Your charms are really getting people to fall for you." He takes a bite out of his watermelon.

"OooOoooEEEK" Abu makes noises.

"Yes, Abu. You did very well for a monkey." Aladdin says and Abu puffs out his chest.

"I don't know how this day could get any better," I say finishing up my last part of the watermelon.

"Hey, HOLD IT RIGHT THERE STREETRAT!" One of the three guards yells at us.

We both look in the direction of the guards and Aladdin looks at me. "I wanna show you something." He grabs my hand and Abu hops on my shoulder. He looks up at the top of the building and looks at me again. "Do you trust me?"

I look at him and try to figure out what he's going to do. "Of course, why wouldn't I- AH" Aladdin pulls on my arm and we run up this big obstacle of stairs and window drapes. The guards follow right behind us but fall every few obstacles they try to dodge. Aladdin, Abu, and I jump onto a cloth curtain and bounce up on top of the roof. We stop for Abu to catch his breath.

"I haven't been this alive since... yesterday!" I yell and we all laugh at my comment.

"AHHHHH!" A girl shrieks from below us. We all look over the edge to see a girl with her arm being held by one of the people in the marketplace. 

"Well, she definitely stole from that fatass. Let's go save her!" We both bounce off the window shade things again and land on our feet. We hide in the crowd and listen to their conversation.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't have any money." The girl says kindly. She has black hair that is hidden by a brown robe with a hood. " If you let me go, I'll money from the Sultan!"

Alright, now she's just god damn crazy now. Wait... crazy!

The fatass market guy didn't like that comment one bit. You can guess what the fatass did next. :/

"You know what the penalty is, of course," He grabs his knife and is about to strike her until Aladdin swoops in and yeets her out of the way.

"Thank You, kind sir." Aladdin hakes his hand. "I'm so glad you found her! I've been looking all over for you!" He looks at the market girl and whispers her something. He winks at me to signal me to make my move.

"Oh fuck yeah..." I whisper to myself. I put the sexiest look on my face and walk towards him swaying my hips to add pizazz. He seems to notice me and gets a deep red blush on his face.

"Well, hello there young lady." He says to me. I come up to him seductively. 

"I'm terribly sorry about my sister, Maria. She usually doesn't get out much. She thinks that the monkey in the Sultan." I look at her and signal the girl to do something.

She nods and bends down to the monkey's size. "Oh, wise Sultan. How may I serve you?" She bows down and Abu pats her head.

"Wow, tragic isn't it? But, no harm is done."

"Now come along sis, time to see the doctor," I say walking away with her and Aladdin. Before I go, I shoot the fatass a kiss and he nearly faints.

"Hello doctor, how are you?" The girl says to a camel.

"Nono, not that one," I say laughing. "Come on Sultan," I say to Abu who apparently stuffed his shirt with gold and shit. The guy sees Abu with apples and treasures and gets mega fucko mad.

"GET BACK HERE YOU THIEVES!" We start running and Aladdin starts to sing a song. Like, how does he do that?

"All I gotta do is JUMP!" Aladdin jumps down basically committing suicide. I would've gasped but I knew something was up.

Once the guards leave, the girl and I come out of our hiding spots and look for Aladdin to see him hanging onto the edge for dear life.

We all head to Aladdin's place to chill. To be honest, I know that Aladdin has a crush on this mysterious girl. I wish that I could be in love with someone. After flirting for a while, the girl talks about being the princess's handmaiden, about her mother's bracelet and stuff like that that I didn't find interesting apart from Aladdin because he was in another universe or something.

After she says that, she hears trumpets in the town. It's a bitch ass prince again UGGGG.

"Uh, I have to go. I need to get the um-princess ready." She says stuttering. It was pretty obvi that she's hiding something, but Aladdin is too lovestruck to know shit.

We all go to the street and watch a new prince go by on his throne. They are all jackasses. Like seriously, I could find someone WAY better than that.

The girl ends up going to the castle and little do I know what Abu is playing with her bracelet that he stole from her. I snatch data weave off his head and he trades it for the bracelet. I show Aladdin and he gets the most pissed off face.

"Abu, there are times we steal, and times we don't steal. This is one of those times." Aladdin says and Abu pouts.

Al and I decide to make a plan to go to the palace and return it without getting caught. Since we were so caught up on making a plan to get in, we never thought of a plan to get out. Or how to get out of a prison cell...

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