All Silent

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A/N: Hey guys! There is not enough Melchritz fics out there so I decided to start a one-shot book for them! Any requests, I will take :) This is pretty short but any requests will be much longer!

The two boys had spent much of the night laughing.

It was a chilly winter's night and Melchior had spent the evening trying to convince Moritz to come outside with him. Moritz had giggled loudly, placing his foot outside, only to move it again when the cold ground hit his toes.

"I am not wearing shoes, Melchior!" He called. He could have put his shoes on, but would rather had stayed inside, anyways.

Melchior rolled his eyes, "Moritz, I am so lonely out here, do come here!"

"Melchi, please! Don't make me!" Moritz crossed his arms over his chest, pouting his lips.

Frau Gabor had heard Melchior, poking her head outside, "Melchior Gabor, do not force poor Moritz out in this cold. Not everyone can stay in this weather the way you like, come inside, or close the door!"

"Yeah, Melchi, not everyone is cold-blooded." Moritz called loudly, earning a look that made him blush from Frau Gabor. "I am sorry, Frau Gabor."

She only tapped his shoulder lightly, calling that she had made tea for the two of them once Melchior was inside.

They had tea, but not before Melchior pulled Moritz outside to sneak a quick kiss.

Of course though, Moritz got cold. It wasn't all that surprising; he was a skinny, lanky even, body that began with a mess of black hair and big brown eyes. He shook so easily with cold, Melchior often joked that he was much like a chihuahua. Which, often enough, made Moritz upset and Melchior had to kiss and cuddle him until he felt better.

They sipped their tea quietly, taking in each other's presence. Melchior read aloud poetry he had been fond of and Moritz listened with his eyes closed, enjoying the sound of Melchior's voice. They moved to Melchior's bed and made small talk about their friends and school, Melchior being the only one to talk about schooling, as Moritz did not enjoy speaking of his own school experiences.

The hours passed through the night and into the early morning day. Melchior joked about the witching hour coming around midnight and scared Moritz half-to-death, he was almost kicked onto the floor.

But, Moritz forgave him.

They went to bed like that, under Melchior's sheets, a tangled mess of limbs and wants. It seemed that they would make it to morning without trouble, until it came to about five in the morning.


The word was quick, and begging for some sort of relief Melchior Gabor couldn't quite put his finger on, when he was awoken. Melchior thought, perhaps, he was having a nightmare or was scared he hadn't finished some homework. In that situation, Melchior could just assure him he had no work to do.

"Moritz?" Melchior was up immediately, a light sleeper. "Dear, Moritz-"

Moritz gave out a squeaked sob as an answer, his black hair over his wet and watery eyes. His body shook, possibly at whatever had plagued him in his sleep. Melchior did not touch him at first, his hands hovering over his body.

"Mel-Melchi-" Moritz mumbled out, his hands placed over his face, hiding his eyes.

"Moritz, what is wrong?" Melchior sat up more, letting himself set his hand on Moritz's cheek, sighing when Moritz did not jump at the touch. "Has a nightmare come to you?"

"It must be my father again, I find him so often in my dreams."

"Has he treated you poorly again? Before you came here, tonight?" Melchior asked, a wave of anger in his tone that wasn't noticed by Moritz.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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