Freddy Krueger (2010) X Reader

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I opened my eyes to see...wait...A boiler room? I looked around and nothing unusual happened when I heard screeching... Then I heard a chuckle behind me. I looked behind me but there was only darkness. "What the fuck..?" I said when I suddenly look at my right and I saw a man. A badly burned man with a red and green striped sweater with a fedora and a glove that looked like knives.
I backed up and he came closer to me. "Hello Y/N~" he said with a voice so deep and somewhat demonic. I stepped back but he got closer.. "Who the hell are you..?" I backed up and then my back hit a wall. He pinned me and got close to my face.. "I'm your worst nightmare" he chuckled and I gulped. He looked at my body at first and I felt a heat forming on my cheeks. Am I blushing!? No...I can't be falling in love with this guy right?

He was taller than me but he wasn't like a basketball player tall.. He pressed his body into mine. He was towering over me and lift my chin. I stared at him while he was admiring my face and smirked. "How's this for a wet dream~" he purred in my ear and I shivered. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, I jolted when I heard my alarm clock and I turned it off. "Was that a dream? It felt so real..." I went to take a shower and put on my clothes.  I'll probably see him again, I started listening to music and started walking to bus. 

"HEY Y/N!!!",My best friend Natalie came next to me. "Hey what's up?" I said while scooting a bit for her to sit. "Dead" she said being sarcastic. "Sameeeee" I told her while laughing quietly. I didn't wanna laugh out loud while people are sleeping since it's 5 AM in the morning. While we were chatting, the bus stop telling us that we arrived to school. I said goodbye to her and went to chemistry class. This class...was boring...especially the teacher. He always use his boring voice and the class is always cold so that class was an easy way to fall asleep. While he was lecturing I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I went back to the boiling room. "Hello princess did you miss me~" he was leaning against the wall while tapping the wall with his claws. "What's your name..?" I questioned him still a bit scared. He stopped leaning against the wall and looked at me.

"Freddy...Freddy Krueger"

Going to be a part 2! Comment which slasher do you want next! 💕💕💕 Also sorry if it's short it's my first writing for awhile..

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