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I should'nt be here. Thought James. As he was being escorted off the shipping boat. It was true, James did not commit the crime that he was accused for. But it had no matter now that he was on this massive Island, used as a jail for murderers, theives, robbers, and many more types of criminals.

He was in a large building with tile floors and concrete walls. There was no way to escape. He looked forward to see a short line of people. He walked slowly to the back of it. James only had 1 idea where it might lead and that was outside. Once outside you can't get back in. A few feet down the line James came to a station where a man unlocked the handcuffs wich where holding his hands together tightly on his lower back. He was also given a small, black, backpack

   James could feel the softness of the grass below his sneakers. He looked up, taking in his surroundings. He could see grass for about 100 yards then a thick jungle. He heard a noise behind him. It was another prisoner coming out of the large steel doors, a burly man with dark skin and a short beard. James being 5'11 and weighing only 170 pounds didn't want to mess with him so he took off running to the lush green jungle. Once there he was out of breath. Taking a break he sat down on the leaf covered ground. He slid off the small black backpack and unzipped the zipper. Inside he found a loaf of bread in saran wrap, a map of the island, which he studied for a few seconds. A match box containing 5 matches, an aluminum bottle with a screw-on lid containing water, and a roll of medical wrap. After placing it all back into the bag, he picked up the map and began studying it. The island is oval shaped with 4 regions, all highlighted with a different color on the map. He looked at the key in the bottom left corner of the map. Outer Region he read, beside that was the color green. Below that was, Desert Region, beside that, the color yellow. Plain Region, brown. And at the bottom of the list, Central Region, matched with the color gray. He looked at the picture looking for any signs showing where he might be. He saw it, he was at the southern most part of the island. It was labeled Loading Dock 4. He put the map back in his bag, and began walking into the thick jungle.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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