Bakugou x Midoriya (Unrequited)

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Bakugou knew. Once the first petal came, a yellow daffodil petal, that he would die.

Hanahaki was a bitch. It made it so if the person you like doesnt like you back, you die.(A/N I know you can get it removed, but for this story you can't) Bakugou knew that after everything, the bullying, the hatred, and the fact that he was already dating Todoroki, Midoriya would never like him back.

He walked up to the roof after that. He sat there, quietly sobbing. Not like anyone who just found out they were going to die.

Just then his thoughts were interupted by someone saying his name. He whipped his head around to see Momo looking  at him worriedly. 

"Why are you crying?" she asked softly.

Bakugou quickly wipped his tears. "None of your buisness..."

Momo took at seat next to him, noticing the yellow flower petals he held in his hand. She put the pieces together and gasped.

"You have...Hanahaki, don't you?"

Bakugou looked away and sighed, nodding his head yes.

Momo tentitivly put her hand on his shoulder. "I know that it doesn't mean much, but I'm truly sorry."

Bakugou nodded, not moving to take her hand off his shoulder. "Why'd you come up here?"

"I come up here to think, when I need to get away."

Bakugou was glad she didn't push any further.

Over the course of three months, they became good friends. Best friends, even. Bakugou learned about Momo's crush on Jirou, and he even helped her ask her on a date. They talked, and found they have a few things in common. Momo never asked about Bakugou's Hanahaki, only agknowlaging it when he coughed up petals.

In the begining of the fourth month, Momo finally had enough.

"I can't stand by and watch one of my best friends die, Bakugou," She started. "Please, tell me who it is? We could find a way for them to like you!"

Bakugou sighed. "What do I have to lose? I'm going to die, anyway. It's Deku."

Momo gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my goodness...I-I'm sorry..that's horrible...

Bakugou shrugged. Momo knew how much Midoriya loved Todoroki, and she knew that Bakugou never even stood a chance.

The next day, Bakugou knew it was his last day. He wanted to say goodbye to everyone.

First was Momo. "Ponytail...Momo. Thank you for being such a great friend to me. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

Momo had tears in her eyes, threatening to spill."J-Just remember me when you're up there, alright?"

Bakugou gave her a soft smile. " I will. I'll send down the purest and whitest dove to watch over you." (A/N, props to you if you know what that's from.)

As he walked out of her dorm, he heard her let out a sob.

He went to Kirishima's room, where the Bakusquad were hanging out.

"Hey, Bakubro! Come to join us?" Kirishima said, seeing him walk in.

Bakugou smiled. "Nah, just came to say some stuff."

"We're all ears, bro." Kaminari said, turning from his spot on the floor to face him.

"You stupid losers know I love you, right?" Bakugou started. "Even if you guys don't deserve it. Thanks for becoming friends with me when no one else would. Y'all mean alot to me."

"That was really sweet dude, but is everything okay? You never say stuff like that." Sero asked.

Bakugou smiled. "Thought I'd tell you guys. Just incase, you know."

"Well, we love you too, Bakuhoe." Mina said as he walked out of the room.

Bakugou said goodbye to everyone. He told Iida how much he actually respected him. He told Jirou that he thought she was a great match for Momo, and that she better make her happy. He told Todoroki that he thought that he was powerful, and Midoriya he was sorry and he was happy for him. He told the class how he really felt about them. He got asked if he was okay multiple times, but he told them all the same thing as he told the bakusquad. "Just incase."

He wrote a little note to the class and put it on his nightstand.

  "Dear 1-A, Thank you for being such good friends to me, even if I dont deserve it. I'm sorry I pushed you all away. To be short, I had Hanahaki. That stupid thing with the flowers, you know. I'm not going to tell you who it was for, because they'd probably blame themselves. Please move on quickly. -Bakugou Katsuki."

Momo wanted to be there for his last moments, so she walked into his dorm room, just as he went into his last coughing fit. Momo layed him down on his bed, and befor his pulse stopped, he gave her a genuine smile that broke her heart.

Even after she knew he was gone, she shook him, calling his name and sobbing. She cried there for about half an hour. Soul wrenching sobs for the loss of her best friend, and the fact that she couldn't do anything to help.

When she walked into the common room, everyone stopped to look at her. She gave the letter to Iida and told him to read it.

He hesitently took the letter and read it aloud, Momo stifling her sobs until the end.

By the time he was done, some people were sobbing. Some had tears streaming down their faces silently. Others just stood there, shocked at what happened to the explosive boy.

Nothing was ever the same without him. No arguing, no yelling, and everyone missed him. Some took longer to cope then others. Especially Aizawa. He hated that he couldnt help his student.

Momo never ended up telling Midoriya it was him. But Midoriya, being smart as he is, he figured it out. He never beat himself up about it, because he knew that Bakugou wouldn't want that.

Momo ended up seeing that white dove a few weeks after the incedent. She smiled, knowing that he was okay up there.

A/N Thanks for reading! I'll be updating whenever I feel like it, but I'll make sure to update every other day at least. Constructive critism or just plain critism is fine. I dont really care. Thank you for reading!

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