Chapter 1. Glass

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As the birds began to sing, the morning sun illuminated Crystal's room. It was unfortunate that the window faced East, as this meant being awoken everyday at dawn. The rays of light traveled through the bed curtains revealing the dust that had been thrown up from Crystal's tossing and turning in her slumber. Shining on her face caused Crystal to stir, her eyes slowly opening as she extended her legs straight. She had ended up sleeping in the fetal position and had hoped that curling up like that would make her feel safer during the night but her nightmares were always unexpected and seemed so real. She sighed, sitting up slowly as her messy black hair fell over her shoulders. A sudden knock came across the room, before the door knob turned and the hinges squeaked from the door opening.

"Your royal highness, I see you have already awoken. The day has begun and it's important to be ready for everything that might happen today" Crystal groaned as she heard the maid, laying back down and sprawling her arms out as she sighed heavily. She looked over to the door wondering why she doesn't ever just lock it, however she already knew locking it wouldn't do much as the maid had the key.
"Rebecca, it's to early" Crystal mumbled, turning her head to look up at the maid. Rebecca huffed, brushing her gray hair aside and sat down next to Crystal. She smiled down at the young princess, as she took Crystal's hand into hers. The wrinkles on her skin felt soft and nostalgic, as her tail rested on Crystal's leg. Rebecca had been serving the family for generations now, her knowledge of the Whitecastles ran deep and was respected even by the nobles.

Crystal slung her hand over her right eye before peeking out at the maid with one eye before whining
"How do lycanthropes have so much energy? Where does it all come from..."
Crystal had always treated Rebecca differently and was always scolded for it, but Rebecca never seemed to care. She always doted on the princess and this was why they seemed so close. The maid laughed and stood up
"Come, your highness. Breakfast is being prepared and we wouldn't want to keep the king waiting, now would we?"
Crystal sighed and sat up, before swinging her legs off the bed and sleepily stood up, stretching and giving a yawn. Rebecca steered the young princess over to the vanity table before brushing her up, brushing her hair and applying her make up.

After Crystal picked out her dress, Rebecca smiled at her and whispered "Still as cold as ever your highness" She glanced at herself in the mirror and sighed. The wings on her eyes made her gaze look heartless and strict, as her narrow eyes always seemed to be judging everyone she looked at. The princess mumbled something before turning and walking out the door
"Come along Rebecca, I'm getting hungry and breakfast is an important part of the day"
The halls of the palace were spacious but it always seemed empty to Crystal. Although many nobles walked these halls, greeting her with bows and blushes, she always felt lonely. After all, she was the only teenager, and wasn't allowed outside except in the gardens. As they approached the dining hall, the guards bowed before opening the door for them.

Crystal stepped in and approached the table before turning towards the king's seat where her father sat, giving a curtsey. Charles Whitecastle, the Void King he was often called, was someone who was respected but also feared, despite his friendly demeanor. He had led their Kingdom into an age of prosper after the second Oracle War and was now advancing them in both technology and agriculture. He never liked his seat as King, and would often run off to help in the workshop only to be dragged back to the throne by his advisors or his wife. Charles have a nod to Rebecca, as the maid backed out and closed the doors. Turning to Crystal, his soft words echoed through the hall
"Good Morning my daughter, I'm glad you have decided to join us for breakfast"
Crystal sighed before seating herself across her mother, Lily Whitecastle. "Im sorry I was late dad, but not all of us can wake up so early. Half the kingdom isn't even awake yet..."
She was never formal around her parents, or around everyone. But instead of being scolded, her parents just smiled.

They were a normal family, despite being royalty. They always spoke with one another casually, only formally when in public or when teasing one another.
"What do you have planned for today, dear?" Lily asked as the food was rolled out and set in front of them. Charles glanced at his daughter curiously, as he never had much time to spend with her. Knowing what she was doing as well as what her interests are were the only way he could try to be a good father despite Crystal never blaming him for not being in her life as much as she would have wanted him to be.
"Not sure...I saw some rabbits roaming the garden the other day, I might try to catch one"

Her mother turned to her with a worried look, and Crystal sighed
"I won't be using my magic, mom. Don't worry. Even if I did, the rabbits would just fell shocked"
Lifting her pointer finger, she let out a little spark teasing her mother. Magic did not need to be taught in this world. It was something the humans were born with. Some had magic, others didn't. It was what determined their hierarchy.

"Alright....just be careful" her mother sighed. Crystal nodded and finished up her breakfast, setting aside her plates as she stood up and excused herself from the table. As she walked out the dining hall, Charles called out to her, "Don't go burning down the garden! And remember your meeting with the association this afternoon!"

Crystal rolled her eyes, grumbling "The association can very well piss off" before turning down the hall and heading towards the garden. The sunlight was warm, and the breeze was perfect. Today would be a nice day to catch a pet rabbit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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