Neymars real name is neymar da Silva Santos junior.
Neymars favorite colour is white.
Neymars fans are called neymarzeetes.
Neymar was born on 5 February 1992.
People who hate him call him gaymar.
People laugh at his English.
After ney posted a pic of him and David Lucca eating a banana todos somos macacos = we all are monkeys trended worldwide.
In a Spanish TV show he was asked who is neymar? He answered : neymar is happy.
Ney was asked what makes the world better? He replied : sleep.
Neys address is : 28, carrer del doctor Joaquin albarran, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.
Ney flew to Paris for one night took a picture and came back.
Ney loves to match color of shoes and shirt.
Neymarzete is actually pronounced neymarzesh in Portuguese.
Ney has the Bitch don't kill my vibe shirt in two colours : blue and white.
Interviewer : do u play an instrument? Ney: I clap.
Ney does creepy poses during matches on purpose he loves to check out his funny pics on instagram.
Neys cook said he has absolutely no manners and eats like a baby.
Ney has a very bad sense of direction he got lost many times in barcelona.
Too many news wrote ney is a bad singer! He got very annoyed and posted another video of him singing.