Another adventure

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Jesse's POV
I woke up in bed and my eyes drifted towards the window.It was a Sunny Monday Morning which meant I had a lot of things to do as mayor of Beacontown. I dragged myself out of bed and put on my usual Dungarees and blue top "Well time to start the day" I cheerily said while I walked to my front door "let's hope I don't have to many things to do" I prayed.

I walked to the orders hall and let my feet drag my body to where Radar was standing "Hey Jesse!" Radar waved Frantically as if his arm was going to fly off
"Hey Radar what's up" I watched as Radar brought out a large list
"You have to Meet with a other city's leader to discuss gold trades then you have to judge a building competition then..." I started to tune out what Radar was saying and directed my thoughts to a certain Blonde guy sitting in the corner. I stared at Lukas as he was busy writing his latest book apparently it was going to be a love story but He has been changing the time when it's supposed to come out

"Jesse?" I snapped out of my day dream "Yes Radar!?" I Replied
"Sorry it seemed as if you looked really tired" Radar apologised
"Yeah I stayed up writing an apology to champion city after Axel 'accidentally' punched a guy there" I Mumbled remembering how long it took to write
"You know Jesse you could take a day off" I heard Lukas say. He got up from the corner and walked towards me and Radar "you work way to hard"
"I can't do that! I mean....I am fine" I forced out trying to hide how tired I was
"I think I agree with Lukas,I can take are of everything Jesse!" Radar saluted while I just giggled
"I guess I could just take a break for the day" I Smiled
"Good,now how about you and me go for a walk" Lukas Asked Of course I agreed.


"Remember Radar After I go for a walk with Jesse You need to get Axel And Olivia to help you decorate the hall for her birthday" I reminded Radar for the 5th time
"You can count on me!" Radar Smiled
"Good! Hopefully Petra can come!"
But the surprise party wasn't the onlything on my mind, today is the day I tell Jesse how I feel.....I am so nervous WHAT HAPPENS IF I MESS UP!!


I strolled along the neighbourhood with Lukas We Just Talked And had a laugh kinda like the old times I had.....with Olivia and Axel.....I forgot how much I missed them
"Hey Jesse you ok?" Lukas snapped me out of my daydream
"Huh? Oh! Yeah I am fine" I smiled hoping that he didn't relies that I was nearly on the verge of tears
"Well Jesse can we tal-

"JESSE COME QUICK!!" Me and Lukas turned around to see a panicked Radar
"What happened? Did another spider get in the hall Radar?" I asked not really that worried
"No! Someone stole the portal flint and steel!" I still wasn't that much worried
"Are you sure it wasn't just Ivor?" Lukas asked
"Ivor was busy with potions I went over to see if I could have it back and he told me that he didn't have it!" Radar Explained
I started to get worried "Are you sure it's gone like as In gone gone" I said shaking Radar
"Jesse stop shaking him if you want him to calm down" Lukas put his hand on my shoulder stopping me from Shaking Radar
"Y-your right...".

Me,Lukas and Radar ran all the way to the Order of the stone hall
And their I saw...the pedestal was empty.
"Why would someone want it!!!" I Cried while pacing up and down
"Well it does let you go to different worlds" Lukas said
"Yes but why would they bwant to go to a different world"

"Because a new world has just been created..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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