There was me a five years old little boy getting bullied and crying. it was painful to feel that way I wish I had help. maybe I wouldn't been hurt like I was and now. I m and middle school I m getting bullied more and more. and it gotten worse and worse and then a friend of mine said hey don't late him do that to you and. then I said it so so hard to stop the bullying but I want it to stop. but I m scaried that to tell the teacher but it might get worse as I keep walking I seen the boys.and then I ran and never stop running and then I look back he was right there. behind me running I was crying i was like why god why it got to be me. and then god said that he will help just have faith and I said ok so I closed my eyes and I prayed until the boys come and then I opened my eyes and they try to touch me. and god wouldn't late them so I said god I will never disobey you my lord and then I was walking and I seen a angel. and I said are you a angel and he said yes. I was like why you down here he was like because I want to keep things peaceful. and I said why there bad people and the world and why there hell don't it post to be only heaven yes my brother it was a post to be like that then he said and he set down talk to me and my parents thought I was crazy so they took me to the hostpitel and. they checked me and they say there nothing whats wrong with me so I went back home.