love untold

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"Scared Potter?" Draco spits out in disgust.

"You wish." Harry says angrily.

*Years Later*

"Scared Potter?"

Harry stares at Draco with big emerald eyes as Draco smirks and looks down at Harry's lips. Harry closes his eyes, as Draco leans in, he stops himself and hesitates but quickly shakes it off not wanting Harry to know he's just as nervous as he is, and kisses him.


"You're fraternizing with the enemy!" Ron shouts.

"The enemy!?" Harry questions defensively. Hermione steps in and whips her head around at Ron.

Ron didn't know this and probably didn't care, but just at the other side of the room in that moment, Draco could hear everything that was being said.

"Ronald! Can I have a word?" Hermione roars as she drags Ron away.

"I know Harry's interest.. may seem a little strange." Hermione begins.

"Strange, is the least of it!"

"But!" Hermione scolds. "He is our friend and we both know he's been through hell and back so, who cares if he likes Draco. Sure, it'll take some adjusting, but we've always been there for him and we're not stopping now... Okay?"

Ron huffs crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah okay."

Hermione later finds Harry lying in bed staring up at the Marauders map, and she smiles knowing all too well who he's watching.

"Ron's okay with it you know. You and Draco."

Harry looks at Hermione. "Really?" Harry asks questionably.

Hermione smiles, "Yes it'll just take some getting used to, but he'll be fine."

Harry puts up his finger as he jumps off the bed, "Will you excuse me for a second?" Harry asks eagerly as he runs out of the room.

Harry goes to tell Draco the news, but it was all too much for Draco. Not while people were staring, and not while he could hear the whispers flowing from their friends ears to his. He couldn't breathe, not with him being a death eater and being threatened by his father and Lord Voldemort all the time.

Harry was his only escape and with that gone, he felt empty like he was nothing, so he became nothing.

"Draco!" Harry yells beginning to panic, he sees Draco rush out of the banquet hall, down a corridor and into the bathroom.

"Draco!" Harry yells again as he rushes to get to him.

Draco locks the door.

His hands and fingers begin to tremble while he takes off his sweater, and gasps for air. He stares at himself in the mirror and his body begins to shake as he lets out many uncontrollable sobs.

"Draco!" Harry cries for the third time, he can't catch his breath. He hears muffled sobs from the other side of the door. Harry finally stops banging on the door and withdraws his wand.

"Alohomora!" Harry shouts.

But when Harry walks in, it's too late.

Draco's body lies on the floor. Numerous deep cuts could be seen going down his body as his blood covered the floor. Harry runs to his side and tries to save him remembering all the spells he's learned, but none of them could help. As Harry frantically calls for help, he stops when Draco begins to wheeze, and he tries to comfort him the best way he can.

Professor Snape and Remus Lupin run in to see whats wrong but once they approach, Draco's last breath leaves him. Snape roughly pushes Harry aside and performs numerous healing spells. He tries and he tries to bring Draco back, but it was too late.

In that moment Harry let out a shaky breath and completely lost it. Running towards Draco Remus grabs him as Harry collapses in his grip, haunting screams could be heard at the other side of the Castle, so horrid even death covered its ears. Snape uses his robe to cover Draco as Remus drags a fighting Harry away from the scene of his once beloved.

Six months had passed as Harry lies awake in bed yet again through another sleepless night. Sometimes he had thought himself to hallucinate, but was never really quite sure.

Harry's breathe heightened as he began to toss and turn in bed recalling the memory of when his love had died.

Walking passed the Room of Requirements Harry stopped as the memory of Draco's and his first kiss appeared in his mind. They knew they couldn't be seen as they had met in the hallways once it was dark, and everyone was asleep; that the room of requirements soon became their friend. It was the only place they could hide and be together without getting caught. Thats where they had shared their first official kiss.

Harry collapsed to the ground as he recalled the memory of Draco and began to weep silently. Not even caring if anyone saw or was there with him, he just couldn't take it anymore. He felt like a piece of him was missing. With Ron and Hermione always being happy and acting as if nothing had happened since the war, its as if everyone had just fast forward through time, to the good part their supposed to enjoy.

But he just couldn't. Everyone and everything was moving far to fast for him to process. He felt numb as if he was just there floating in existence. That's when he heard a noise and looked up to see the wall changing shapes and sinking in on itself making a space for him.

"I just cant do it." Harry said loudly as he wept.

"Not without him."

It was in that moment, Harry felt a cold fog kiss his face. As he looked up and let out a sudden shaky breathe. Before him stood Draco in his icy pale skin and stormy blue eyes that you could get lost in for days at a time. Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing and knew he must've been hallucinating again.

But when Draco bent down and his lips brushed against Harrys, he knew it wasn't a dream or even another nightmare. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and lead him into the room of requirements where a fog like oasis filled the room of the Slytherin common room. Draco lead Harry to the olive green couch that stood in front of the crackling warm fireplace, and sat down. Harry without hesitation sat down as well.

"You know why I love the Slytherin colors so much?" Draco asked slyly as he stared into the fire.

"Why?" Harry asked in all innocence.

"Because it reminds me of the most beautiful part of you.. your eyes." Draco said as he stared into Harrys emerald green eyes.

He began to place a trail of light kisses down Harrys neck. Harry closed his eyes enjoying the pleasure that ran wild through his veins.

"You know why I love the Gryffindor colors?" Harry asked.

"Hmm?" Draco's lips vibrated as they trailed down to Harrys collarbone.

"Because the red reminds me of your temper." Draco looks up in shock.

Harry began to laugh a very light heavenly laugh, one that he hadn't used in a very long time, and Draco just couldn't be mad at him.

"Your gonna pay for that." Draco stated cunningly as a smirk appeared on his lips.

Harrys smile soon diminished and a seriousness took over as he frowned.

"But the gold, the gold reminds me of your heart. A heart that you let me grow to love, and I will never forget that." Harry looked away as tears threatened to leave his eyes.

"Harry-" Draco began sympathetically, as he cupped Harrys face with his hand. He leaned in, his forehead resting on Harrys.

"I love you. More than you could ever know."

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