i n t r o

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• There are a few different features to my "review system" or whatever you want to call it, so let me tell you what this is all about.

• All books accepted for review will receive a shoutout with a link to the book on my announcements page. This will also include a little of my own insight on the book (all positive.)

• All books accepted for review will be added permanently to a public reading list!

• If your book really strikes me, I'm going to post it to my profile. The criteria for this doesn't necessarily revolve around it being well-written, although that helps, but more around how much I enjoyed the story. So if you write a bad boy flick it probably won't ever reach my bio because I don't like bad boy flicks.

• On top of all this, your book will receive an actual review. 

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What to expect from one of my reviews?

Well, first off, I don't have a set number of chapters I'll read. I'll read just as much as I need to get a full idea of the book and your writing skills. This can mean as little as two chapters or as many as all of them.

I tend to crack down on first chapters and prologue because they're the most commonly weak areas.

I am going to be honest. I make all my reviews with love in the hope that you'll strive to improve, and I'll be as positive and encouraging as possible, but if I give you a review that upsets you, I'm sorry. You asked for my opinion and I gave it.

While reading your book I might leave comments with little editing tips or just to point out parts I especially liked.

The main review will be posted here, where I'll go over the things I really liked and was impressed by; then go over the things you need to work on; and finally wrap up with an overall opinion.

The section where I talk about the things to work on is almost always the longest. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IN ANYWAY THAT YOUR BOOK IS BAD. It makes sense to go into more detail with the weak areas so you understand what the problem is. I want you to understand WHY it's a problem, so it'll take more time than the praise for your book will.

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