september 28 2019

29 2 3

Hi guys, so this is my last day of bloody hell for the month...
And i woke up, my tooth seemed more fine than how it was yesterday.
Yesterday evening i couldnt fricking sleep...
my front teeth to the left goddamn hurt!
i actually got up at 2:07 am and felt something wet..
Someone pranked me again by putting my right hand to water,
I know because i saw a container by my side and my hand taped to it..
I guess SHE taped it because i move when i sleep..
P.s. why didnt the container tumbled? Well let me guess im not THAT movey when i sleep..
youre probably wondering; how the hell did you guess it was a she?
Well. Only my sister pranks me, and my 6 to-be brother... but i know my brother's pranks were harmless and never cause trouble... I HATE MY SIS.
so i changed my clothes and moved to the other side where its not wet (damn this is humiliating)
And slept, as usual i woke up 5:00 in the morning (just rounding it)
Because my school in the weekdays are 6:00 and i often wake up at about 3:50 or 4:00... because i take hella long to prepare myself and i leave at about 5:10 or 5:15 and the walk is about 10 minutes. So im always the 1st or 2nd person to show up in the classroom, our classroom is not even opened yet. Anyways. I trailed down the stairs, finding pandesal (its a type of bread to be eaten in the morning) and ate some, (dont worry, my aunt just bought it, assuming she was wearing outside clothes. Brushed my teeth collecting a little bit of blood in my toothbrush. I just shrugged it off because i thought my toothache is over. So i went and plugged my tablet out of the outlet alongside with my charger. Well not technically my charger.. me and my grandma (o grandma) share the charger. And i opened my wifi, watched gacha life on yt, play roblox, read ninjago fanfics on wattpad.


I brought my baby brother (3 yrs old) to the store with me as i am asked to buy softdrinks.
I left him because i needed to ask my mom something related to what i am buying. I thought it was okay since the store is only 2 blocks away from our house, and my 6 year old brother came too, so i asked him to look after my brother. when i come back, theyre not there.. my heart skipped a beat as i thought they were kidnapped (what a sister i am)
And they sneaked up on my and scared me half to death; my 6 years old brother holding my baby brother's hand, the other side of me thought it was cute, and the other side of me wanted to beat the crap out of them, but i didnt, i tried my best to stay calm, and went back to the store.

Timeskip at night time brought to you by: nothing important happened there so why not skip

Im currently reading the book something along the words 'Chaotic' made by Master-of-chaos. When my toothache decided to visit again... im in agony. And im curled up into a ball trying to get rid of the pain, i decided to brush my teeth again, but to no avail. So as im bored in my mind, my brain thought of something. What if i make a diary to what im experiencing right now.. my life? So i decided to write this.. as im doing rn. The pain reduced by 20% but that doesnt mean im still not hurting... and may i add, my sister still havent come home since mid-morning.. causing me to miss her badly, i have noone to play with, noone to talk about my deppression, my anxiety, my phobias and how theyre all hurting me, well, i have a mom and a grandma and an aunt, but they're hypocrites, tells me not to curse, but they curse whenever they want to, and a lot of stuffs.. they also, said "Angge dont listen to them, why would you believe someone's opinion? As long as its a bad one, it doesnt matter" when they keep telling me "be a girl!" "Are you a tomboy?" "Go dress up or your friends will leave you" i mean, they told me once to pick someone nice and wont leave you for anything, and now shes saying that? They only care for respect and their reputation, i mean 'respect is earned' right? You dont force anyone to respect you, thats just plain low. And they're addicted to hair, just let them brush your hair, you wouldnt escape them. Theyre always saying "just a minute more" when minuted turn into hours.. and they promised me so many important things, but it always ends up like it was my fault or them having a dumb reason as an excuse. And they expect me to trust them with secrets, and reveal it to everyone saying 'keeping secrets is bad" have you ever heard of privacy m8?. And they always gets me in a bad mood, and then blame me for being rude again.. and always talking like how cute (say that again,i dare you) i am when i decide to be a proper lady, im still 12 for gods sake! And when i wanted to be alone, they always butt in and force me to tell them whats wrong, which ending up into a lection, which is 'my fault'.. they never left me alone, now there saying i should br thankful for having parents like them. I am enraged and i couldnt stay calm anymore, i want to punch them in the face as a sign of 'thanks for ruining my childhood, bastard".. well, theres more where that came from, also, im getting sleepy, thanks to my toothache who decided to call it a night, peace ✌

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