Chapter 1

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Momo was playing Ping-Pong with Jihyo one morning. "Nayeon was talking about you the other day." Jihyo said to Momo. "Huh, what was she saying about me, was it bad?" Momo questioned as sweat rolled down her face. Jihyo shaked her head to say that it was good. Momo was shocked it always seemed that Nayeon didn't like her. Whenever Momo was around Nayeon it would seem she would go quiet. "So what did she say?" Momo asked Jihyo. Jihyo just stayed quiet but it didn't seem as though she was ever going to tell Momo. After the Ping-Pong match Momo went to rumage around the fridge like she always does after exercising. When she arrived at the kitchen Nayeon was already there. "Jihyo said you had said something about me the other day. What did you say?" Asked Momo. Nayeon just stayed quiet but it seemed that she wasn't happy Jihyo told you that . She just looked at the ground and ran away. "NAYEON!" Momo shouted to try and get her attention but she didn't stop. Sana walked into the kinchen to ask why Nayeon came running down the hallway but befire she asked Momo she remembered that Nayeon doesn't want to be rejected by Momo. So Sana decides to keep her mouth shut.

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