Chapter 1

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"Aright bane, you good?" Susan whispered into her walky-talky.  A muffled response came through,


Susan and Bane were neighbors. They lived across the street from one another. Both on 3rd floors of gloomy apartment buildings. It was 10 p.m. The rain cascaded down outside on the cold, lonely, black street. Perfect killer weather. Susan thought. Suddenly, she heard a sob from the living room. Then, there was an eerie silence.

"Bane!" She whispered. There was no answer. "Bane!" She hissed as loud as she could without her mother noticing.

She started to see scary shapes in the darkness. Suddenly, she heard a loud snore. "Bane!" She groaned louder than before.

"Zzzzz-what? Huh?" He whined softly.

"Bane, I've got to go!"She snapped quickly-angry that he FELL ASLEEP while she was talking to him.

Soon she crept into the living room, where the TV and (most of the time) her parents were.

There, their mouths gaping, sat Susin's parents. Her mother had buried her face into the father's broad potato-chip covered chest, as his eyes were glued to the screen.

Susan, too, darted her eyes to the screen and saw what her parents were making such a big fuss about.


The screen read.

Susan held in a gasp. She slowly turned around and started to creep clumsily toward her room. Stealthily, (or what she thought stealthily was) she thumped back to her room when suddenly, she stepped on a creaky floorboard. "Creeeeeeeeeck!" It exclaimed as if it was an old gate being opened for the first time in 5 or 600 years.

In a flash, her couch potato dad was up and at her screaming his head off.

"HOW DARE YOU GET UP WHILE TELLING US YOU WERE GOING TO SLEEP??!!!!!!!!!" Was something like what he yelled.

She was shoved into her room with no idea what she had done wrong while her dad went back to the TV.

She scampered over to her giant mirror and looked at herself. An 8-year-old girl with crazy blond hair who hazel brown eyes and a sharp V jawline looked back at her. She was wearing reindeer pajamas and slippers. And her hair was a frilly mess.

"No killer-catcher looks like this..." She said then hunched over then straightened up. "So I'll just have to be the first one!"

She hopped into bed and turned off the lights.

"Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is another day." She chanted until she fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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