Wanna have a Mad Time?

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Dust: *whistling while walking*

Froggit: froggit

Dust: oh another froggit I need to dust hehehe this is gonna be easy *spawns gaster blaster* say bye bye *shoots the froggit* better luck next time

Chara/Frisk: hi sans I hope you dontmind me coming  through snowdin

Dust: oh hey little brat no I don't mind

Chara/Frisk: so *brings out knife* how are we gonna do this

Dust: *stands still speechless*

Chara/Frisk: *slashes dust sans*

Dust; hahahahahahaHAHAHAHA you really think slashing my chest would stop me?! You must be kidding me! So let's kill you *chokes her*

Chara/Frisk: s-stop p-p-please

Dust: DIE!

Chara/frisk: *dead*

Dust: h-

???: hey you! I saw what you did there

Dust: wha- who are you?

Nightmare: chill chill the names Nightmare

Dust: what do you want?

Nightmare: you

Dust: what do you want from me?

Nightmare: to enter my team you in?

Dust: I'm in

Nightmare: ok but first we have to test your strength fight me

Dust: ok but tell me do you wanna have a Mad Time?

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