☯Words of Wisdom - Death the Kid, Soul Eater☯
“I do not deny evil, nor do I believe, that any human is free of malice. Everything must be in balance. As long as evil and good maintain an equilibrium in this world, there is no problem. Perfect balance is the key to everything.”
- Death the Kid, Soul Eater
Perhaps it isn't absolutely perfect equilibrium that everyone needs to seek, but there absolutely needs to be a balance. Perfect peace is never good, and so is absolute chaos. Now, I think you're wondering 'Perfect peace? Where's the wrong in that?'
Ah. Here we go.
Imagine a world with perfect peace. No crime, no hatred, no pain, no drama, no unfairness, and no suffering...
You might see a world you want to live in, but what I see is a child's paradise. I don't understand the world where everything is seemingly 'perfect' and absolutely 'beautiful'. If anything, that world breeds a generation of naive fools.
I'm not saying that peace is bad. Actually, peace is a very, very good thing. But what you need to consider is how much you won't learn if you stay in a world where nothing will get in your way. If you rise to the top without having to drag yourself through all the trouble of the things that stand before you, what will you know? You'll never truly understand something unless you experience it yourself.
We, as humans, never really learn from the good things in life. We feel hatred, that's why we understand how precious love can be. We know pain, that's why we seek out pleasure to soothe ourselves. We stare into the eyes of unfairness, that's why we want people and things to be treated with respect and equality. We sit through sadness because we know happiness is there, we just have to find it. We suffer through the life we carry on our shoulders, and that's why we push forward because we know that what we deserve is just ahead of us- waiting.
Within ourselves is a scale that is never meant to be tipped to one side for too long. On one side are our positive feelings, our 'good' side, and on the other are our negative feelings, or our 'bad' side. It's normal for us to lean on one side for a while before we naturally tilt to the other, creating perfect balance within ourselves.
For a normal person, it seems that their goal is to sit in the good side all of their lives without daring to hop over on the other. Maybe it's mere curiosity or the will to do something different, but some time in our lives, even for a short amount of time, we'll lean over to the other side and stare at it reluctantly before reaching out and dipping our hands in, embracing our 'bad' selves.
Otaku Magazine ISSUE #9 November 2014
RandomNOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE #9 - (25 articles in draft + welcome) (16 published + welcome)