m o r n i n g b o a r d i n'

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You wake to your phone alarm going off. You look down to see the tips of your hair, you dyed them your favorite color and you think they look really good. You put a beanie over your messy morning hair. The beams of the LA sun light up your face. you put on a long sleeved striped shirt and layer it with a Thrasher shirt, black ripped jeans, and black vans.
You grab your skateboard from it's hanging spot on the wall. It's plain black with a skull and roses on the back. Your parents have already left for work so you have the house all to yourself, but you decide you want to go boarding instead.
Walking outside, you feel the hot summer sun hit your face with a hint of a cool breeze. It's a wonderful time to be outside. You didn't put on your chains, because you didn't want them to get scuffed. You start to roll down the street picking up speed as you go along.
A beautiful, angelic boy suddenly speeds past you on a skateboard. You recognize him immediately. It's Jack Dylan Grazer! He turns around and comes speeding right towards you. He pops off his board right before he runs you over.
"I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?"
You keep calm and decide the best thing to do is pretend you don't know who he is.
"Oh, my name is Y/N."

"That's a pretty name. By the way I love your hair. It's my favorite color."

"It's my favorite color too. What's your name?"

"My name is Jack. Jack Grazer."

You keep talking to Jack for a while. Talking about lots of things. Like skateboarding, movies, and food.

"Hey, do you want to come to the boardwalk with me and my friends tomorrow?"


You try and keep calm, but you are internally so excited to hang out with Jack. You wonder which friends he is talking about. You say your goodbyes and you get his phone number. You spend the rest of your day thinking about Jack and you go to bed thinking of what exciting adventure tomorrow will bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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