day ten

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"No I'm not..." Soojin replied, shaking her head. Hyunjin moves closer to her, "Soojin..." he said quietly.
"No I'm not." She couldn't believe what she was hearing. He's joking right? 'I-I can't be a vampire... this has to be a lie!' She kept her hand at her mouth.
Feeling her gums, they were really sore.
"How? How is this possible??" Disbelief clear across her face. Awaiting his reply.
"It's because I bit you." He said, "It's because I'm your soulmate, if a vampire has a human soulmate, and bites them. Then they would turn into a vampire as well.." He explained the best her could.

'I won't be scared of him, I could never..' She looked down at her lap. "And there's no going back.." She mumbled. Hyunjin moved closer than before and reached for her hand.
"I'm sorry. I should've been able to control it, and now I've put you into a rough position." He sighed, "But trust me, I'll help you." He said reassuringly, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Jeongin will be here with everyone else soon." Soojin nodded, "What will I do about eating?" She asked, feeling more calm now. Although she was most definitely, still panicked.
"That...well you'll either need to drink from a human of us." He said the last part as quietly as he could, knowingly that she could still hear him.

"I can't do that!" She said shaking her head quickly, "The last thing I want to do is hurt someone." Hyunjin nodded, "I know Soojin but those are your options, it's only for a month. So if you can deal with it for one month you'll be able to drink from a blood bag like everyone else." He explained, hoping it wouldn't be too much of a big deal.
After he finished speaking, there was a knock at the door. Hyunjin stood up to answer it.

Opening the door, he saw Jeongin and everyone else, letting them enter his flat.
Soojin stayed put, still in complete shock, that she hadn't even noticed that Chan was now sitting next to her.
Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, and Jisung were sitting on the floor.
Woojin, Changbin, and Minho were standing behind the four, and Hyunjin was back at her side.

"Soojin..." Jeongin started, "We need to get you to eat, I know you may not want to. But we need you to" Soojin quickly shook her head, "No no no. I'm not doing it. I cant risk hurting anyone."

"You won't have to hurt anyone, just feed off of Hyunjin." Felix said as Jeongin opened his mouth to speak. "There has to be some other way." She spoke, quickly reaching to her mouth as her teeth hurt again. She closed her eyes tightly in pain.
Hyunjin moves closer to her, pulling her onto his chest. "Please Soojin, do it for me." He said, resting his chin on her head.

She didn't know as much about vampires as everyone else did, she wished that she could find another way. But it wasn't possible, and she knew that. She knew that it was impossible.
She took a deep breath, in and out. "Alright... I'll do it, but it would feel weird feeding off of Hyunjin" She said with a slight tint to her cheeks. 'This will be different...' She thought to herself, her head still pounding, her throat parched, and honestly just everything hurt.

She slowly began to grow more comfortable with the idea of being a vampire, although she definitely hated it, she knew that she'd need to get used to it at some point.
"Don't worry about it, or Changbin and Felix can take you out to find a human, since they are more experienced with finding humans and luring them in." Hyunjin said, wanting her to feel comfortable with whatever she chose.

To his surprise, she had chosen to go with Changbin and Felix "I'll go with them, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of drinking your blood." She said the last part, trying to not cringe at her own words. Wishing she could describe drinking from him in a completely different way.

Hyunjin nodded, "Okay, first. We should find you a different top. Since uh... you still have blood on your blouse." Soojin hadn't even noticed the blood, she didn't even think about her top. "What am I supposed to wear? I'm not at my house." She asked, almost slipping out that she couldn't go back to her home.

"I got something for you." Hyunjin said with a slight smirk on his face as she took her by the hand and lead her to his room.
He walked towards his dresser, rummaging through the drawers.
Pulling out a gray hoodie, "Tada!" He said, a childish smile on his face.
"Get changed into this and meet Changbin and Felix at the front door, okay?" He said walking back over to her, handing her the hoodie and kissing the top of her head.

"Okay." She smiled, with a nod.
Quickly getting changed and meeting Changbin and Felix at the front door, like Hyunjin had instructed her to.

"Okay let's get going." Changbin said in a slightly annoyed tone. Those were the first words he had ever said to her, she could hear the annoyance in his voice. Sighing as he opened up the front door.

"Here goes nothing..."

[Author's Note]
WooOoOoosh. This took me over 24 hours to write smh. I kept changing my mind 💀

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