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So I went to this diner, right. And we were chilling. Well, they had this jukebox there, right. Like a thing you play music on. Well, their jukebox was hooked up to an app, right? So you could actually play music, right? Like play the next song from your phone. And it was super cheap right. Like 25c a song, right? So I'm sitting there, in this diner, and I'm like, "Oh my goodness!" I remember this little comedy skit I'd seen where this guy had talked about where him and his friend had bought the same song, over and over and over and over again. This happened today. Like I went and did this today, again. This time, I played like probably 20 of the same song. And people, like the first 5 songs. Well, people there didn't realize you could buy songs, right? They had no clue what was happening. Because basically a song would play and nobody had gone up to put money in the thing. So they were so confused! They were freaking out! Like by the 5th song they started wondering what was going on, right? And they came up to the thing, right? And they were like "Ok, what's going down? Why does this song keep playing over and over again?" Um, by the 6th song the chefs came out, right? And the chefs were like "Hey, can you stop playing this music?" They were so mad! And the one lady that was like the hostess, she was like "I'm not the one controlling it!" Um, and they went back and...and they played a different song, like just to break it up, and everybody kinda relaxed. Then I played the song again 3 more times. And they went off. And they were like fiddling with the thing, trying to get it to play a different song. And then they put in like a bunch of money, right? And they set up like a series of like 8 songs, so they put in a bunch of money, put 8 different songs playing, cos they were like "Ok, we'll fill the queue up." So I was like "Aww that's no fair!" Like that kinda ruins the show, righ? BUT, then I noticed in the app, if you used 3 credits instead of 1, you could push a song to the front of the queue. And I did that! I went and put a song I pushed it all the way to the front of the queue and it played it and THEY...OH MY GOSH...PEOPLE were losing their minds! They were like "WHAT IS THIS SONG PLAYING?" They were freaking out! And it was so funny. And I'm just sitting there watching. Well, basically, we put a couple more songs, um, I would like let a song play then I would force a song through, right? Then I would let a song play, then force another song through. But then we left. So we left, and as we left, I played one more and then I was on the road, they had like 8 songs left. I let like all 8 songs play and then while I was home, I played 1 more! Cos you can play it from the app! So I'm at home, I played 1 more of the song, and I can guarantee you they were freaking out! But then right after I played that one, I played a song, this is the song that I played through the jukebox, the lyrics, I'll just play a couple of seconds of it for you....where is it....uhh...it was this one, here...where's the part...hold on...ok it was this one...hold on...let me get the part....ok, listen: "i'm SoRrRrY...". So that was the last song I played. That wasn't the one I played a bunch of times. I played that one at the very end. And guess what. After I played that song, I was like "You know what, let me see if I can play another one"...it was UNPLUGGED from the INTERNET. They went and unplugged the thing I couldn't play another one! It was great! What do you think. Innit that great?

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