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"I'm sorry..." 

Zak saw the pale figure of Darryl limping towards him. He clenched his bat, drawing it up. He noticed the bite mark on the other boy's arm, bloody and bruised. A spike of fear stabbed through him.

"Zak please," Darryl begged, still continuing to come closer and closer to him. The distance between them closed until they were a few inches apart. "before I fully lose control, take this." Zak was given a small pistol, it looked exactly like the one that Vincent had. It felt heavy in his hands.  The mention of the French man's name caused his breath to hitch, and eyes watered. He couldn't lose another friend, not like this. 

"What- what am I supposed to do with this?" He asked, panic in his voice. Of course he knew, this is exactly what they did when Vincent turned. Zak was stalling, and Darryl could sense it. 

"Are you dumb?" Darryl said aggressively, taking another step closer. He grabbed Zak's arm, the one holding the pistol, and positioned it where the gun was pointing at his temple. Zak dropped the bat he was holding in his other hand, and the sharp sound thundered through the tense silence. 

"After you pull the trigger, please run." Darryl looked Zak straight in the eye, silently pleading to him. He couldn't, he couldn't- he wouldn't kill another one of his friends. He gripped the pistol, trying to move it away, but Darryl wouldn't let him. 

"Please, I would do it myself but, I can't. You have to do it." Zak felt tears spilling out of his eyes. Within seconds he started to full on sob. He felt Darryl wrap his free arm around him, and he looked up, staring at his face.  He wiped his tears on his sleeve and sniffled. 

"What will I do when you're gone? When Vincent died, we had each other. But now, I'm-" Zak choked on his words. "I'm alone." 

Darryl hugged him tighter, as if that would solve the problem. "Just, try to find people, I'm sure there are others who are alive." Zak scoffed. 

"When was the last time we found a living, breathing person?" He asked, rolling his eyes. Darryl half-chuckled, then quickly let go of Zak. His face twisted into an expression of pain. He coughed, blood spitting from his mouth. He wiped his hand on his pants.

"I don't have much time,"  He gasped. "you have to kill me now." There was desperation in his voice. Zak slowly pointed the gun at Darryl, pressing it against the same spot it was before. His whole body was trembling, and he hoped that it wouldn't mess up the shot. 

Zak breathed in and out, trying to calm himself down. It didn't work. Darryl closed his eyes, as if he was accepting his fate. He felt tears fall, but he didn't care enough to wipe them away. Zak felt completely, utterly, hopeless.

"Before um, before you... Anyways, I just would like to say that I, I love you." Zak said, stumbling over his words. Both boys stayed quiet for the moment, Darryl understanding. 

"I love you too." Darryl said, opening his eyes. They stared at each other, and it seemed like time slowed down. Zak felt his heartbeat quicken, it pounded through his ears. It was roaring, and Zak couldn't hear anything else. It was strangely peaceful. He took a deep breath, and Darryl nodded.








Zak pulled the trigger.

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