Stationed Forever

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Ugh, Monday morning again I don't want to wake up for school. I absolutely hate school, the getting up early, the lectures, the anticipation for knowing if you're passing or failing your classes, why do the teachers put us through that? Me, I guess I'm your average student 84 percent student average I'm Brianna but everyone calls me Bri, 16 a grade 11 in high school or senior if you want to get technical. No I am not a junior, I'm also Canadian but back to school it sucks I hate it end of discussion.

I walk thru the side parking lot doors after parking my truck in my designated spot. I love my truck it's my baby. I hear a ping come from my phone it's from my best friend Carys she's asked if I'm at school and to meet her at our lockers because she has a surprise for me, I respond with an "I'm outside ill be there in 2 :)" as I walk thru the halls to my locker I say hi to my other friends the school isn't that big and I know almost all the students because it's stationed on base. Oh right I forgot I'm a military brat my dad is stationed in Afghanistan as we speak. As I get to the hall with our lockers I see Carys but there is someone with her is it who I think it is?! It can't be ... It is!!! It's Gavin, Gavin and I have been best friends since the day we were born our dads work together in the military, making him a military brat as well. But last year they were transferred to a different base in North Carolina, I missed him like crazy, you try living a year without your best friend for a whole year it isn't as easy as one would think.

As soon as I recognized him I ran. I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life, I then made a huge leap onto him and wrapped my arms and legs around him. I couldn't believe it, Gavin was here embracing my hugwith all his strength but why was he here? Once he let me down it was interrogation time. " hey Bri baby" he said "Oh Gavin! I missed you so much but why are you here?" I questioned. "I knew it was your birthday and I wanted to surprise you. I'm moving back to base with my mom this afternoon" he responded. Wow I couldn't believe it this morning I was so mad that it was Monday and i had school I forgot it was my own 16th birthday and now here I am standing infront of my two best friends in the world, this is perfect. "Happy birthday pretty lady" said Carys "thanks bestie" I replied.

Music is on time for class. I said my goodbyes to Carys and Gavin walked me to my first period class which happens to be my favourite... Gym I got changed and went into the wrestling room we just played dodgeball today but it was fun just to hang out relieve some tension and see other friends.

After gym it was time for ugh joy English class luckily I had that with Carys and we sat at the back so we just talked about Gavin the whole time and it went by super fast. Then it was time for lunch and I met up with Gavin again.

"Hey Bri baby" he called i gave him a huge grin. I would never tell him because he's my best friend and all but secretly I think he is so attractive I'd love to lick his abs and his army boy hair cut with that chocolate brown hair and those eye don't even get me started about his piercing green eyes they are so dreamy.

That day being my birthday Gavin took me out and bought me birthday lunch, it was so sweet of him. We talked about his past year and how much we missed each other. As we were driving back to school he put his hand in my knee and I couldn't help but blush. He asked if I wanted to hang out after school but I denied because I was celebrating my birthday with my mom so I invited him over for cake.

After school I drove Carys home and told her I'd call her later I assumed she would be having a date night with her boyfriend Zach. Once I got home I changed into some comfy clothes and did my homework, I hate school but I still do my work, make sense right?

Once Gavin came over he and my mom chatted aimlessly for hours all about the military too. Surprisingly I missed my dad a lot and I started to tear up. Luckily they stopped talking "bri baby! I'm sorry don't cry" Gavin said softly as he smoothed out my hair. "You're freezing silly girl! Take my hoodie" he took off his hoodie exposing a white v-neck tshirt that you could see his abs through I pulled on his baggy hoodie and dragged my knees to my chest.

Once the tears were shed and cake gobbled down I decided I wanted Gavin to have a sleep over with me thankfully he agreed and my mom did too. We decided to watch a movie I chose "orphan" I've seen it 10000000 times but its my favourite it doesn't scare me anymore but hey who's to say cuddling with your best friend and feeling safe in his arms is a bad thing? Gavin and I got into our pajamas and curled up in my bed and before you know it we were silent and our eyes were glued to my tv.

Chapter 2

In the morning I woke up in Gavin's arms and basically it was the best feeling ever. It was time for another day of school but today we were going to skip I told Carys I wouldn't be there and she wasn't happy but oh well whatevs. So instead of school we cuddled some more and then we decided we need to get up and do something so we went upstairs for food and then took a shower together in bathing suits of course.

Ever since we were little our favourite place to go was the big rock by the waterfall in the forest behind my house. We decided to go there today it was a chilly day so we bundled up good and then went for a walk to our rock. There's a tree behind our rock and we engraved it with a B+G=BFF... We were cool kids for sure. Anyway after talking for hours alone and being all caught up in each others lives we decided its time for a drive.

Gavin decided he was going to be the macho man and drive MY truck can you believe it? I got it yesterday and he's already wanting to drive it. No way not happening bud! So I sprinted back grabbed by keys pushed past him and got into the drivers seat.... He pouted and slowly slouched in the passenger side. What a baby. We drove all thru out the town it's good to get off the base once in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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