Waiting... (DW)

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Hello guys and welcome to my One-Shot series! This series tells about adventures of my 3 favorite characters from 3 different fandoms: Deadlox (Minecraft), Tentoo (Doctor Who), and Rainbow Dash (MLP). It's pretty weird for you (and me) maybe, to join 3 fandoms into one one-shot series but this is not a crossover. Each chapter tells one story from each fandom, not one chapter contains two fandoms.

Oh yes, this story may be based on my daily life or sometimes, ideas from my mind. And you will never know what is the next chapter as many random things can appear in my life (or mind) sudden.

(If you're here just for read one specific fandom one-shot, you can see the sign on the title so you won't be confused.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Deadlox, Tentoo, and Rainbow Dash. They're all belonged to their rightful owner.

Now, let's start the story with this Tentoo one-shot...

It's been hours for him to wait at the cafe, waiting for Rose to return.

First, the two actually planned to taking a walk on a mall. But because Rose instead wanted to relax, they ended up visited this cafe. The Bad Wolf cafe, to be exact.
'Not bad though for a cafe,' he thought about the cafe's decoration, when he and she entered the cafe for their first time.

The coffee they've paid since they order it on the counter is somehow great, for the two. He thought the cafe was using alien coffee beans but it was realized it was actually made from earth coffee beans after he tastes it for second time he sip the liquid. "See? It's not made from alien coffee beans unless we're in other earth!" Rose said, giggled at him when he realized the drink was actually made from earth coffee beans.

For an hour they've sitting and talking to each other about their adventures on the cafe. The two sometimes shared a small laugh when they're talking about their funny moments when they're adventuring in her home universe. Sometimes, he ponders about his future with Rose when Rose chatted to her mum on her phone. But otherwise, the two enjoyed their time on the cafe until...

"Doctor, wait here. I got some shopping to do," she said, as she took off from the cafe, leaving him on his seat. Alone.

For first two hours after Rose leaves, he feels fine. But, he started to worry about her when he saw the clock on the cafe hits 9:11 PM. He knows, he has been here for 7 hours. Two hours when he was still with Rose, and 5 hours for him to wait for Rose to come.

Finally, 34 minutes before the clock strikes 10, Rose came back... with shopping bags on both of her hands.

"Rose, where have you been? I'm worried about you 'cos you're not coming here for hours!" He asks.

"Sorry, Doctor. Mum told me to buy things when I'm here. She actually wants to go shopping but then she accidentally slipped on the stairs, hurting her leg," Rose replies. Then, she give him a shopping bag.

"Here's your new clothes, Doctor. 'Cos you can't just wear the same blue suit everyday," she said. At first, the Doctor was annoyed about this beacuse he doesn't want to change his beloved blue suit. But, he sighs and nodded as he grabbed the bag. After all, this is a part for a human life, changing your clothes each time before you can get out.

Just then, they heard the announcement says, "Good evening, visitors of the mall. For ten minutes, the mall will be closed. Please, finish your transaction before the mall closes. Thank you for your attention." Some tenants are about to close with exception of the cafe, which closes at twelve o'clock.

"Well, better get going before the mall closes," the Doctor said as he took the bag and stand up from his seat. "And oh, thanks for coming here before the mall closes," he said, smiling at her.

"No problem. Now, let's go," she replied as the two walks away from the cafe.

I know this is kinda short (or boring) but next time, I will make it longer. And sorry for grammar errors on the story, as I'm not really good at some grammars. Don't forget to comment and like, as this make my day :D

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