The Galaxy

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Have you ever wondered what else is out there? Other than planets, stars... deadly things. Like, are we the only living things with brains of "iNteLLiGenCe"? Or are there other things out there that are smarter than us?... or maybe dumber, or on the same level of intelligence.

Do you ever wonder how the world works? Why does it just orbit around the sun? I know it's because of the gravitational pull caused by the sun, but why? What is gravity? Can't we create it? If we can split the atom then why can't we create gravity?

Scientists, I think, have already discovered this but I'm not sure(maybe that's because I don't do my research. Probably why I'm a complete idiot writing this right now).

What causes gravity? Heat? Rocks? Gas? Maybe every existing thing put into one? Meh, I'm not gonna go deeper into it.

Is the universe infinite or is it just a dome trapping us with other galaxies which are becoming more and more separate as you read this (and as I'm typing this)?

This is so random my brain hurts... Until next time potato heads.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2019 ⏰

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