In Tokyo there was a beach at the bottom of this beach's ocean was acids and gases in a pipe.The pipe broke letting out the acids and gases the acids and gases formed together making a monster this monster had spikes at his back the people who saw the monster called him Gojirasaurus that's Goj-ira-Saurus and Gojirasaurus started terrifying people and Gojirasaurus started growing bigger and bigger and bigger that he was as big as tallest building in the world! Then people called him gojira.Now he could breath radioactive automatic blue fire when his large spikes turned blue and this fire was so dangerous it was even more dangerous then the most dangerous acids in the world!Gojira can also swim he went to the ocean and started swimming away he swam away. 3 years later he comes back and people forgotten him and then they called him Godzilla. Godzilla Was in the city Tokyo he was crushing and burning some of the buildings in Tokyo then the Tokyo army came with there tanks that could shoot blue laser beams which was amazing but godzilla was really strong and laser beams did nothing cause he can breathe them so he stomped on them!