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Chapter 1                

I was five when my mom and dad shipped me off to boarding school I was partially dumped there I would go home ones every 5 months a year and it was only for 2 weeks, and I lived half way across the world, Sherwood learning academy was the name of this school I went to it was in the middle of nowhere, really it was.

I would get on a plane and fly home, and home was back in south Africa and school was well in Ireland, the plus side to going to school there was that the people were friendly and it wasn’t strange if you rode horse unlike south Africa, were if you have a horse or ride horse there was something wrong with you. My aunt lived there so I would often go over to her on weekend and school holidays  and she would always be so happy to see me she didn’t have any children and was married into the Horan family, my aunts husbands side of the family had children and we would often go over to them, and have lunch or they would drop me there for the weekend to play with Niall, he was great we would play for hours but we were young then and actually got on now that he is older and famous might I add I never see him his away all the time and well I just stay at school now, I haven’t told anyone at school that my aunt is actually married to Naills uncle, because that would properly get me killed since it was an all girls school and they all loved One Direction, that would be something I would keep to myself and till I was out of school or better yet back in south Africa.

 It’s school holidays and this holiday I plan on really taking my riding to the next level since my mom and dad only sent me here because I could do horse riding at school and back home they have nothing like this. I got up out of my bed and went to take a shower I was at my aunt and she was expecting the other side of her family to come over for lunch today, which meant that Niall would be coming with I cant believe this and he was bringing his friends with did this really have to happen to me did he really have to be the Niall Horan from One Direction, don’t get me wrong I enjoy there music and all but why me, why was I stuck with this?

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower and quickly got undressed and hopped in the water was so nice and warm I could properly stand in there the whole day, but then I heard a knock on the door “honey are you almost done I need your help down stairs” it was my aunt she had called me when I just started to really enjoy this shower “yeah okay ill be down now” I yelled back. I hopped out the shower and grabbed a towel and walked into my room and grabbed a tracksuit pants and some Wellingtons and T shirt and went back to the bathroom and hung my towel up and went to brush my teeth, after I stood there for about five min I eventually finished brushing my teeth I just couldn’t face today I haven’t seen Niall in ages and this was going to be weird meeting the whole of One Direction, I took a brush and put it threw my hair and put it in a messy bun, it kind of went with the whole outfit that I had on, I grabbed my eyeliner and mascara and put it on. After an hour of just fafing in my room I guess it was time to face they music and go down and help.

 I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a chair and plocnked myself down, “well that took you long enough” my aunt was practly done with everything and I had nothing to do so I just sat there and watched her as she got everything ready for lunch.

An hour later and she was done and I was still in the exact same place and didn’t move at all “are you still awake” I heard her call from the other room I got up and walked over to her and all she could do was stair at me was there something wrong ? “Can you not put something descent on instead of always wearing those boots and tracksuit pants?”

“Well that’s what I want to wear im not going to get all dressed up just to see Niall” she was not happy with that and just shook her head and walked out which meant I had to go and get changed, did it really matter what I wore? I was just being me. I went back up to my room and grabbed some red skinny jeans and a off the shoulder T , and grabbed my tommies from under my bed, well this look was just going to have to do I left my hair in the messy bun above my head and went back down only to have to have to get the door and I guess it was my favorite person Niall I opened the door and there he stood with the whole One Direction behind him, “hello Tay” he said with a huge smile on his face and gave me a huge hug gosh was he being friendly or what was the only thing that ran threw my mind. They all walked in and followed Niall to the kitchen, the place he flipping lived in, they were all so quiet and just smiled and followed Niall gosh was I that scary?

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