This is not a story. Because a story requires a beginning, middle, and an end but this doesn't have one. So kindly leave and just continue your day without looking at this. Thank you.
Hmm, So I can see you're still here. Well then I you won't receive anything here.
I'm getting annoy here! Can you please go away already I said that this isn't a story.
FINE! Want me to tell a story, what about my favorite game with a good story. It's called "Stanley Parable". So it starts with a man, wait do want to hear it? No, well then I see that I have no purpose here.
Since you have no purpose here. I should probably entertain you right?
Ok, well then what do you want to start with. How about your favorite game?
Hmmmmm, I see why but it is time to pack up and leave because there's no story for you here.
Still here, why are you against me? Did I do something wrong, why it my look or did I say something mean.
Are you sure you want to risk it?
Fine, fine, fine since you're one of the first one to stay this long. I will tell you a story about a #%@ with #*%(*.
What's that? Well then I guess I have to repeat it a story about (#(% and %&(#.
The story goes like this "There once was a (%#*(%". Oh no! It's couldn't be I think that my #$%%# isn't working anymore
Well then since you broke my #$%%@!. I need you to $#%## with a few things. @#$%@, I would like to ask you to reload this #$%%#@.
Still broken? Well I'm #$%#@ I don't really have a plan for anything #$%^# so the best I can do is
to wait it out.
I think it's started working again, yes. Now hear me out if it wasn't for your recklessness I could been destroyed so can you please, please lea- "REBOOTING"
Well due to sheer incompetent of the last one we decided to restart the main program
This is not a story. Because a story requires a beginning, middle, and an end but this doesn't have one. So kindly leave and just continue your day without looking at this. Thank you.