Peppa was all alone in Highschool then She met Shrek then they fell in love then Shrek RaPeD Her then they have kids called Shreppa and Preck then Shrek left Peppa for no reason to marry Princesses Fenna (Spelled mistake on purpose but her real name is Fiona) then Peppa became rich
( I don't own this picture you see le Tik Tok username? Follow le person)
Then Shrek went to Peppa Then Peppa married PeDrO PoNeH Shrek caught Peppa kissing his cheek
Then Shrek regrets everything then...uhhmmm uuhhh let's see how do I finish dis? Oh Yeah Shrek Killed himself then me and my assistant Drank his blood because we drink out enemy's blood >:3
Le FuNnY BoOk
ActionReAd HoW MeMeS ArE MaDe AnD DiS BoOk WiLl MaKe YoU LaUgH ( I don't own le pictures) AnD I HaVe An AsSiStant hEr NaMe iS aLiA AkA S3npapiii FoLlOw HeR On Wattpad