PP Means Extra Soft ;)

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Gabriel was in the teacher's conference room practicing on his solo.
It's been a long day, it was extremely hot outside so his band director held indoor practice today which Gabe was very much grateful for. Meanwhile Caleb was in the brass room helping the underclassmen practice. It was going about as well as you'd expect.
"JORDAN! HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP LEAVING BREAD AND GUM IN PEOPLE'S CASES??" Caleb confronted, holding the hard, almost moldy piece of bread in Jordan's the face.
"Okay that was not me this time, dude. I'm like ninety percent sure um Destiny did that."
"Oh my lel, Destiny why?"
Destiny giggled uncontrollably before finally answering, "That was not me! I don't even bring food to school-."
"Y-You bring hot cheetos everyday to practice what do you mean?" Jordan interrupted.
"Bitch, do it look like I bring bread to school? No it do not so, shut up."
"You probably do, fatty!" Jordan lightly pushed Destiny causing her to slap him in his back.
"Guys...I think we should get to work instead of trying to kill each other?" Tyra softly spoke, adjusting her music on her stand.
"Shut ap, poop colored girl hahahaha." Caleb mocked her in a higher pitched voice.
"See, this is why we suck because we never get anything done. Destiny and Jordan are about to kill each other and you're too focused on trying to pop your pimples or something." She frowned.
"I am tha section leader and you listen to me mellephone girl."
"Ye-Yeah trumpet traitor!" Jordan said pushing her.
"Man, all y'all ever do is bully her." Destiny comment unamused.
"Shut UP fatty, god." Jordan pushed Destiny again but this time she took it more personally.
Destiny took a lighter from her pocket and started burning his trumpet case, then she waved the flame around. Jordan froze and Caleb and Tyra backed up slowly.
"I will burn this room up, I'm not playing with y'all."
Without warning, Mattie bursted in the brass room. "What the hell is going on here?"
"Destiny over here is tryna kill us." Jordan crosses his arms.
"Alright, since y'all don't know how to act, I'm getting Mr. Beams to lock the brass room for the rest of practice. Everyone get out."
"Mr. Beams said that we can't practice in the band room." Caleb said.
"Well I don't know, figure it out. But y'all won't be burning down the brass room and that's for sure. Why can't y'all be more like the woodwinds?." Mattie shrugged and left the room.
The four teens stood around clueless for a moment until Caleb spoke.
"I'm gonna go get Gabe and tell him what happened." Caleb jogged out of the band room.
"See fatty? Oh my god, this is all your fault." Jordan laughed.
"Shut the fuck up, Jordan." Destiny reacted.
"Am I the only person who acts like they've got common sense?" Tyra said passive-aggressively.
Gabe was startled when he heard the door suddenly open behind him.
"Calel? I thought you were working with the trumpets?" He laughed and placed his instrument down on a table next to him.
"Well I was until Destiny fricken tried lighting the brass room on fire. Mattie kicked us out."
"She did what?" Gabe responded, confused.
"I just told you dude. The trumpets are animals I swear."
"Fucking idiots, haha." Gabe smiled and rolled his eyes.
Caleb's face lit up a bright red. He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, they are."
Gabe raised an eyebrow to Caleb's sudden change in behavior.
"Caleb, your face is alpha red all the time. You remind of the kool-aid man or something." Gabe said sort of skimming Caleb's face. He turned around and grabbed his stand and music.
"Alright, let's go check on these Freshies before they burn the entire building down too."
Gabe dropped a piece of music from his stand, he swiftly bended over to pick it up. Caleb took this opportunity to slap his butt.
"Ooo, Zaddy you are thicc!" He laughed off the figurative butterflies in his stomach.
Gabe stood up and turned around with a confused slash amused look on his face.
"Caleb, that was literally gay of you to do that."
"I know Zaddy, lel." Caleb said in an out-of-character voice. "Do you want to see something even gayer?" Caleb suggested, bitting his lower lip.
"Uh...that's honestly a little concerning but go for it?"
Caleb slowly walked up to Gabe, he got very nervous so he stopped in his tracks. He gulped and suddenly grabbed Gabe by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss!
Gabe stumbled back in shock, he nearly dropped his instrument. His face was painted red with a surprised look on his face.
"What's wrong Gabe? You didn't act that way when you kissed Jordan and me. How is this any different?" Caleb, becoming more brave pushed him up against a wall and looked him in the eyes.
"That's because..." Gabe stuttered. He couldn't think of any words to say. How was it different? Maybe it was because he kissed Jordan as a joke and he also kissed Caleb on the brass bus, right? Gabe's mind was scrambled.
"Let me ask you this, Gabe." Caleb said sternly, as he tugged Gabe's belt. "Were you actually joking or... are you trying to hide your sexual awakening?"
"I'm not gay, Caleb. You're taking this way too far..." Gabe looked down at Caleb, despite Caleb being shorter than him, he still felt threatened.
"Yeah, okay." Caleb turned around and pressed his ass against Gabe's crotch. He felt Gabe slightly jump. He took Gabe's hand and stuffed it inside his pants. Gabe got a huge erection as a result and Caleb could feel it poking him.
"Gabe you're actually a huge fricken virgin, why are you so hard? I didn't even do anything yet." Caleb teased.
Gabe grabbed onto Caleb's dick. Caleb moaned softly. Gabe leaned over and growled in his ear, "Shut your mouth before I fuck it, Caleb."
"Well then do it, hehe." Caleb giggled.
"Get on your knees, bitch." Gabe pushed Caleb off him and Caleb obeyed. This got Caleb more excited. He started licking and sucking on the erection print that Gabe had that was visible through his pants. Have let out a few rewarding moans and Caleb undid Gabe's pants. Caleb pulled his pants down and Gabe's cock nearly smacked him in the face. With an excited look in his eyes, Caleb started licking up and down Gabe's member. Gabe's eyes nearly rolled back, Why was Caleb so good at this?
The door squeaked open, Caleb and Gabe looked at the doorway with a stupid look on their faces.
There in the doorway stood, Tyra. She looked horrified, she blushed and closed the door immediately.
"Caleb, do you think she'll tell anyone?"
Caleb stood up and wiped off his mouth.
"Probably not, she's way too innocent for that." Gabe zipped up his pants, "Doesn't her boyfriend and his brother fuck?"
"That's what I heard, the same person who made that story up was the same one who did this story too right?"
"Pfft nah, I'm not just some character in a story Caleb. I actually could feel you giving me a BJ."
"Please stop talking." Caleb dusted himself off and left the room.
"Got it."

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