Hoii! Haven here with a new story for ya. i will have new chapters every other day to keep y'all guessing! Enjoy my lil potatoes
The night is cold and dim. I am looking around the perimeter in the air for any danger. You might be wondering who i am. My name is Kita. I am a guardian in training. The guardians are ones of another world that are winged beings. We protect the world from evil creatures in the shadows called the heartless. The heartless are becoming more active now a days.
They are probably becoming more active due to the time for the blood moon. Because when the blood moon comes out, the heartless finds a human to taut to become their ruler. If the heartless find a ruler, they will be able to hunt during the day as well as the night. For us guardians, that is not what we want to happen because we can not be seen in the day light. Creatures like me, well humans do not think we exist same for magic if a human does spot us we make our eyes glow to think we are a normal animal such as a raccoon. In my opinion,scaring the humans is not right, but it is what guardians have to do.
I land in a tree to see a single heartless approaching a human boy. Slowly, i grab and pull out my bow. In one fellow shot, an arrow of light hits the heartless's "heart" instantly killing it. The human boy turns around to see the silhouette of my body I glare at him with my eyes glowing a bright gold color. His eyes widen in fear in one quick turn he runs away like he was the Flash. I mean dang did he run fast.
Me being me i do not pay attention sometimes. As i was watching the human boy run away, someone lands onto a branch behind me. The person behind me puts their hand on my shoulder and says, " Kita, it is time to go home."
I am really scared at that point. My wings flare open when i get scared. The person behind me gets hit in the face by my wings. I turn around and see our leader and my brother, Senshi. " You scared me half to death, Senshi!" I yell.
Senshi chuckles at my reaction. I pout angrily at him. Senshi maybe our people's leader, but i still see him as my older 20 year old brother in my eyes. "Sorry,sis! But it is time for us to head home don't you think?" he asks. I nod in agreement.
That's all for now my lil potatoes! Hope to stay tuned for chapter two on Friday at 4:30 EST!