Chapter 1

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I was born before ww1 and my father was nazi Germany. I don't know why but my father trained me to be like him. But I don't want to take over the world. My brother came a few years later. Then my sister. One day me and my siblings were doing paperwork sense ww2 then we heard it and big loud gun shot. Germany ran upstairs Berlin was crying and I was comforting her. Germany came down and called me to see if this real. I went upstairs to see and styrofoam body that was supposed to my father. Then I saw the window was open I look out of it and saw nothing the I wonder did he run.

(20 years later)

It has been 20 years now and I'm 23 my brother 20 and my sister 17. I just met ame not so long ago and joined ONU with Russia and Poland. I moved in with Russia and Poland and Poland was still recovering from my father. Russia told me that his father had pass way not to long ago. I kinda to it hard because the ussr was kinda like my father too. After all he took Berlin in the Cold War. It wasn't surprising that ame and ussr fought because then always argued about capitalist and communist to see whose better. I was worried about Poland after both of fathers. I mean they did spilt him apart Warsaw was ussr and the rest was my fathers. I help him during the Cold War he's fine for now I know my father is going to come back. I mean he did run off because he didn't want to get killed by other countries. " what are you doing " said Poland " oh nothing " I responded back. Russia look at me and knew i wasn't okay " what are you thinking about " he said. " nothing " I said. Russia got up close to me " " Russia repeated. I got scared and screamed " WHAT IF MY FATHER COMES BACK" I screamed. Poland got scared and Russia looked at me. " what do you mean " he said " never died he ran off " Russia looked at me like he was going to do something he will regret. " I THOUGHT YOU SAID HE DIED " he yelled " no he ran and I don't-" we heard and gun shot and I ran to Poland and Russia was running behind me. I was horrified when I saw Poland on the floor shot in the head. I knew what gun it was MY FATHERS GUN! " get him to the hospital " " but " " GO! " . Russia pick up Poland and ran out the door but I stay and turn in to what my father called the " nazi demon "

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