The wine with besties gone wrong 🍷🍷🍷

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I wasn't gonna lie I was super nervous to be meeting up with my two besties who don't get along anymore just because of some guy . Faint god I'm single because I can't get in a cat fight over a guy with a bestie or some girl I hate to death. Guys are kinda a waste of time . We all know I have the worst taste in guys ! Okay moving on tonight is not about me it's about getting these two together and to make up other wise I'm gonna get angry and you really don't want to see me get angry 😤. I get dressed up after all this place I'm gonna meet them at is fancy . Andrew glares at me - woah are you going clubbing like that ? Can I come with you?! I rolled my eyes at him - no stupid head I'm not going to a club ! I'm going to force my two besties to get along and not fight over a guy who's a grade A loser ! Andrew laughs- Zack is kinda a loser he makes fun of my clothes 24/7 . Me looking him up and down- well maybe you should stop dressing up like a 90 year old grandpa! Andrew- excuse me?! You're stressed like you're attending a strip club and you're over there judging me ? Me - yeah you wanna roast me I'm gonna roast you ten times harder! Since you're a dad you should probably start dressing like one ! He rolls his eyes at me going into the kitchen- these are my work clothes but thanks for the tip . Me - feed savanna her bottle before Emma gets here please. I laughed walking out the door. Andrew- okay bye ! Stripper ! Emma - hi I'm here who's a stripper? Me - oh hey I was just heading out Andrews mad because he told me I'm dressed like I'm going to a strip club and I roasted him saying he's dressed like a grandpa . Emma- that's funny ! You two are sooo adorable together I miss you two together ya know? We're are you heading out to ? Ya look nice ! Me - thanks I'm just going to a fancy restaurant. She looks at me up and down- like on a date ? Me - nope actually I'm gonna force two of my besties to be besties again with each other instead of fighting over a loser freak guy wish me luck ! I don't even drink wine but something is telling me I'll be forcing myself to drink glass after glass tonight. Mia is driving us back home 🏡 honk . Honk . Rides here gtg I say bye . Emma walks into the house- goodbye good luck I know you'll need it !!!!!! I get into the car with Mia - hey so I'll be waiting outside the restaurant because I am not trying to hear or see the cat fight . Me - yeah this is definitely a bad idea but it's too late to back out now they both are at the restaurant now . Mia - do you think Kayla has Zack with her or no ? Me - yeah probably less he didn't want two girls fighting over him in public. Mia burst into giggles- have you met Zack before? He's a douche bag player !!! Of course he's going to want to be there for the fight he loves it when he has 2 gfs at the same time! Me - this isn't gonna be good! Just drive let's go ! She drives off into the darkness and off we go ! When we get there Kayla and brook are standing outside and like ya probably guessed they are fighting. I step outta the car and ease drop on them both before I make myself known that I'm here . Zack is here to right by Kayla side oh great just great . Kayla- you're pathetic brook just pathetic! Look at you ! Maybe Zack got tired of having a bitchy ass girlfriend did you ever think of that ? You don't ever shut your mouth all you really do is wine ! Oops my nails broken poor little you ! Then omg it's your mans job be ya little slave and pay for ya to get your nails done and painted !!!! Brook - Kayla shut your big fat trap you're just hard core jealous of me because I'm rich and I can afford crap and same with Zack that's why we are a better couple plus She cut her off mid sentence- no shut up and let me talk you just showed Zack your true colors right there ! You only dated him because he's rich well if you're rich why don't ya just go get ya nails done and pay for it with you're money 💰 oh my bad hunny did you blow it all on high heels and makeup to look like a hooker ? Zack - you are just using me ?!!!!!!! Brook why would you do something like that?! Brook - she's a liar that's not what I was trying to say at all it just came out wrong! Zack - I'm sure it did I'm glad we're over !!!!! I'm super stressed so you guys have a great dinner babe you sure you don't want me to come pick you up later? He kisses Kayla on her forehead. Kayla blushing- it's fine babe go home and rest Mia will drop me off . Zack - okay bye gorgeous I love you. Kayla - I think I see Ashley walking our way ! Brook - I'll grab a table for two and you well dogs just shouldn't be allowed to go into a restaurant. Kayla- you think ur a super star don't you that's very very sad and just very very depressing and I feel sorry for you ! She steps ahead of brook and next thing I knew boom 💥 into a bush she went . How ? Take one guess ? If you guessed brook shoved her you're right . I ran to help Kayla outta the bush before anybody saw her - are you okay? I'm sorry this was such a bad idea ! Brook - yes it totally was Ashley! I'm gonna go home ! Kayla sneers I thought ya were going to grab a table for two dog ! I was trying my best not to laugh . Brook - shut your fat mouth !!!!! Me - girls could we act like adults and just get along for one night ? And Kayla have your boyfriend pick ya up tonight I'm gonna ride with Brook and Mia back home thanks !!!!!!! Brook - yeah Kayla call up your boo or you'll be walking home in the darkness!!! Keep in mind it's creepy season! Halloween 🎃 is right around the corner boo 👻. She shouts I jumped and so did Kayla. Me - enough brook shut up and get inside and ya to Kayla!!!!! We went into the restaurant and sat down at a booth for 3 . Kayla and Zack made out in front of brook and she looks pissed meanwhile I'm uncomfortable. I fake a cough so they would notice me and stop . Zack - you know if ya got the flu you shouldn't be near us right ? He sneers at me . Me - yeah I don't care what comes outta ya mouth cause I know it's just a bunch of bullshit words and oh by the way I don't recall inviting you to this get together. Kayla- can't you guys get along ? Me - Kayla can't you and brook get along for once ? I shot back . Brook laughed- wouldn't that be a dream come true for u Ashley. Kayla- brook she's got a point ...I'm just angry because you and Zack didn't work out and you're just trying to break us up. Brook - because I'm not over him yet I just broke up with him then my best friend dates him when you didn't ask permission. Zack - brook I'm upset with you the way you act is just harsh and rude and mean I'm so tired of it . Brook- so what are you trying to say ? Zack - I need to move on for now ok u need to let me go or you'll never be happy. Brook- so you're gonna be single or date new girl after new girl? She gets up tears in her eyes. Kayla- I feel bad . Brook- you're a liar! You clearly don't care about your friends. Boom 💥 a glass of wine goes flying on her and I get covered In wine 🍷. I get up angry- brook you're walking home goodbye 👋 I point at the restaurant door. Kayla and Zack burst into giggles. Brook - I just got my hair done yesterday and it's down pouring! Are ya being serious? Me - I'm not kidding leave ! Zack - you're pathetic you covered them in red wine 🍷. Brook - I'll cover you to if you don't shut up! Me - fine get in the car and shut up the whole way home then right now oh and give me ya card dinner is on ya! Brook - really?! Ya invited me here that's rude to say ! Pay for your own meals bitches ! God I hate all of ya! Kayla- bye hunny !!!! Zack - get lost ! Bitch ! Brook ran outta the restaurant crying her eyes out . I felt bad it was rude to say she's right but hello we got covered in red wine . Zack - lets get home and shower Babe . Kayla gets up great idea hun and ash next time invite me only plz ! Me - I'll remember for next time bye guys I'm sorry, Zack - don't be it's not ur fault!!! Me - hey Zack maybe we can become friends? Zack - sure ash bye have a nice night!!! They left the restaurant together hand in hand . Wow this dinner went wrong now I'll have to shower to . I get into Mia's car after I buy everyone dinner and Mia says - uh hi what's happening ? Why did I just see brook running down the road crying her eyes out we shouldn't let her walk In this neighborhood alone and it's down pouring outside!!!!!! Me - I agree but I think I blew our friendship so she's not gonna get in the car less we just dragged her against her will . Mia - is that why you're covered in red wine and so is Kayla and Zack ? Me - no they got in a fight again . Mia - wow I'm amazed at how this night ended but honestly I had a feeling it was a bad idea . Me - I'm a idiot let's go get her before she gets kidnapped. Mia nods and drives down the road honking her horn . Mia rolls her window down- hey are you okay? Get in ! It's down pouring outside!!!!!!! Brook - hey I'm fine and Ashley told me to walk home she's forcing me . Me - I'm not forcing you to do anything brook get in the car right now. Brook - shut up Ashley your on Zack and Kayla side ! Me - you're my friends and I'm not on anybody's side get in ! Mia - I'll get out and make you get in ! Me - I apologize I was being rude to ya but you did dump wine on us and red wine isn't easy to remove from a dress . Brook - I'm sorry I shouldn't be so angry but I feel like I lost my soul mate . Mia - if he hates you then he isn't your soul mate and he wouldn't hide ya friends relationship with him if he loves u he would tell her it's over but he won't because he likes the attention too much if you think their in love after dating for a week you're definitely wrong . Brook - you're right I need to get over him . Mia - get in brook please . Me - come on we can hang out at my house together . Brook - okay she gets in the car and off we went to my house 🏡 when we got home I gave brook a new outfit to wear and told her go shower so she did and Andrew and I played with savanna- ew you smell like wine ! Did you drink any ?! You don't like wine Ashley i know ya...i kiss him - shut up I didn't drink anything brook ...uh well she uh threw wine on Kayla and Zack and I ! Andrew- well you reek of it shower !!!! Me - I will relax . Andrew- don't kiss me when you smell bad . I hit him - you're mean ! Andrew- ouch that hurt! He sneered. Brook - ash you can shower now . Me - thanks I get up to shower then turn to Andrew- at least I don't smell like cheap girl perfume!!!! Once again I roast him and his mouth dropped open . Emma- sorry I apologize Ashley it's my fault he was in the bathroom at the wrong time and poof perfume went all over him . Andrew- you didn't tell me you were using the bathroom to put perfume on tho ! I burst out laughing- oh faint god it was just you Emma other wise I'd beat him up for having a skank in my home 🏡. Emma- that's funny 😄. Andrew- I'm scared of her ya wonder why we're not together. Me - I can be crazy sometimes not gonna lie babes ! I blow him a kiss . He laughs- Just go shower. I go take a shower be right back guys !!!!

After my shower 🚿................

My crush knocked on the door 🚪 I was shook . How'd he know were I lived ? Would he flip out if he knew I had a daughter with my ex boyfriend? I held savanna in my arms . I answered the door- hey Cody ! Cody looks at savanna- hey I didn't know you babysit ya never told me. Me - actually she's my daughter. His face goes pale Andrew laughs as he walked by us . Cody - is he your boyfriend? Me - my ex boyfriend he lives with me tho . Cody - so you have a daughter? She's adorable! Me - thanks Cody . Cody - can we talk ? Me - uh yeah Andrew come get savanna. Andrew takes savanna into his arms. I step out with Cody - what's wrong? Cody - nothing I wanna ask if you wanna go grab i hop in the morning time like maybe on a date ? Me - yeah definitely . Cody - they have pumpkin pancakes now ! Me - I know I really wanna try those they look so yummy on tv I can't wait to try them ! Cody - sane ! I'll see you in the morning time then bye 👋. Me - bye . Andrew- wow look at you going on a bunch of fun dates ! Me - you're sooo jealous!!!!!!! Andrew- come on savanna it's bed time for ya. Me - I'll make coffee. I made hot coffee.

Tonight was very interesting and honestly I'm just happy to be home 🏡.

Wasted all my time on him season 2 Where stories live. Discover now