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 "Hope, it's going to be okay. We are going to get her back. Just like we've got you back and everyone else we've almost lost over the years" MG said, his hand hovering over her shoulder, unsure of whether or not she would consent to his offer of comfort.

He was very surprised when she leaned back into him, bypassing his hand to rest against his shoulder. MG could feel her trembling even in his loose grip. He was equally surprised when Lizzie Saltzman, also trembling and terrified for her sister, approached taking Hope's hand in her own. MG was doing his best to maintain a steady and calm demeanor. Josie Saltzman was his best friend in the world, but he knew that Lizzie, as her twin and other half, was likely twice as terrified as he was.

MG also knew Hope loved Josie deeply, even if Hope didn't realize yet. He could see it in her eyes, every time she gazed across the room when she thought no one was paying any attention. He could feel it in the fear that was shaking Hope to her core right now. MG was certain that by the time this trial was over, Hope would figure it out. He did hope she would, the girl had the emotional intelligence of a banana.

"All right, is this the full super squad or are you all useless without our Josie?" Alaric asked a crossbow and a double-sided ax across is back. Fury and panic were plain on his face with his daughter's life at stake. Hope immediately extricated herself from the chain of her friends linked arms and hands. MG noticed the sword hanging from the tribrid's hip.

"Kaleb's going to hold the fort down here and Raf will bring the Wolves once we've narrowed down a location. I just hope Josie is still wearing the charm I gave her." Nausea wracked Hope's stomach. She had lost too much already and had only just gotten to a place where the Saltzman twins could stand her mere presence again. Josie was... Josie was special to her. Hope was prepared to do anything to get her back.

"You... you charmed my sister?!" Lizzie's voice rose in pitch and her fingers twitched, ready to go for the wall of the school and acquire the magic needed to cast a spell. Her eyes sparkled and Alaric glanced questioningly in Hope's direction.

"No, I gave her charm for her birthday. A charm to make... to make quiet things heard. Hopefully, I'll be able to use it to hear her. That was the... well, you know." Hope blushed a bit at the knowing looks she received from MG and Dr. Saltzman.

"You didn't give me a birthday present." Lizzie muttered beneath her breath, though she was grateful that pendant would be serving their needs. "But fine. It'll be good. We'll save Josie. Hope will be her hot ass heroic self - then receive all of the credit."

Hope, MG, and Alaric all raised their eyebrows in some form of shock. Hope's expression quickly turned into an affectionate smirk as she shrugged. She knew, for the most part, what was she had said was true. MG snorted out a laugh and Alaric let out a half-groan, accompanied by another shrug. He never had any idea of who liked him and he didn't care to... at all.

"Alright, let's go." Alaric dismissed the line of conversation in the awkward atmosphere before leading them to the school van. He shut the door tightly behind them, his chest full of pent-up emotion. "This is not what I wanted for school. I wanted to form a safe place for you kids to learn control... and how best to protect yourselves. I never wanted to form a child army. Somehow that's what, at least some of you, have become despite my best efforts."

"This isn't an army, Dr.Saltzman, and we know you always do your best to defend us... with all of your human capabilities. We fight because we feel it's the right thing to do. Because we know we are best suited to protect Josie, the school, and everyone else we care most about. It's like Dumbledore's Army in Harry Potter, except we're the Super Squad." MG argued, jumping in before even Hope was able to. Alaric met everyone else's eyes and was met with staunch agreement from all.

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