Panic is an extremely volatile and unpredictable feeling. There can be many triggers and sometimes it comes from seemingly nowhere, hitting you like a train. Some, extremely lucky if I may say, will never have to experience this confusing emotion and will also never know, or understand the fear of it. This is the fear of panicking at what appears to be nothing to other people, but to you, is the most unholy feeling of wrongness. One of which you cannot hope to ever explain to them. Even as they look upon you with pity, not knowing, nor understanding, what is causing your hysteria, making you feel two feet tall.
This, sadly, is what Willow Winslow faces nearly every day of her life. She feels the prickly, numb sensation as she walks home from her school and is bitterly made aware of how fast her heartbeats. As this happens, her body begins to shake. Reacting as if she is walking without a jacket in 50* degree weather, and wondering what triggered this episode. Currently, this is happening right now, starting first with the prickling sensation of an allergic reaction followed by a skyrocketing heartbeat as Willow looked for a safe place to hide. All she could find was a slightly wooded area with thick green grass. Deciding that this area will be her safe place, for now, she began to briskly walk to her designated safe place and shed her school supplies. After doing so she turned to lay on her back and was immediately made aware of how blue the sky above her was. Trying to stem her panic she studied the sky, observing how vast it was and studied the unknown squiggles that zigzagged in her eyes. Slowly her heart began to slow and the only prickling sensation on her skin now was the grass hugging her back.
To any passerby walking past this clearing, they wouldn't see a young girl struggling to maintain her composure. No, what they would see is a young girl calmly laying in the grass taking the sky in after a seemingly hard day at school, enjoying the peaceful afternoon as her brown hair sprawled around her head and on the grass. They wouldn't notice that her green eyes held a world of panic as she felt that the world was collapsing around her. They wouldn't notice that she was struggling to breathe because her lungs seemed to cease working, and they wouldn't notice how her hands strained and shook as she clenched her fists to make her fingernails dig into the palm of her hands. Instead, all they would notice was the warm sticky air, how it was almost palpable. Or how the soft breeze zipped through the trees bright green leaves making the branches rustle above making the loose leaves fall erratically to the ground. What they would not see is a girl desperately trying to calm down. As gloomy as this situation can appear, Willow has grown used to living this way. But, she is a smart, and resourceful girl. She knows that what she felt was not normal or in any way natural.
It is at this point that she became destined to never have a normal life. This is when she began to desperately look for answers in any way she could. At first, she looked too normal everyday life situations where she considered having anxiety but reasoned that it could not be that because there wasn't anything that she was uncomfortable with per se. Then, as a joke, she began to look at different legends and myths to see if there was anything similar, and, to her confusion, she found something, similarities if you will, to what she experienced every day. Hardly the age of 17, Willow Winslow became involved with the unseen world of the supernatural and her life was turned upside down forever and was completely unsuspicious when it came to her unlikely double life.
Ultimately, looking at her you would not think that she knows how to fight to take care of herself. After all, she looks perfectly average to both people that know her and strangers passing her in the store. Average being that she isn't short or relatively tall, she has shoulder-length brown hair and isn't as close to being scrawny as she wishes she was. The only thing that she considers to be catching about herself, but isn't noticed by others, is her eyes. Her eyes have thin brown specs all throughout her pupils and a majority of her eye color is a soft, careful green. If you were to look at her, study some would say, you would not suspect her being able to defend herself against a strong gust of wind much less something supernatural. However, this was the perfect scenario according to herself because if they all started to die, they wouldn't look at her. With this in mind, Willow began to research her dilemma.
Short StoryI don't know if its that descriptive enough to warrant a warning but there are panic attacks and mild gore in this story.