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You felt a sort of trepidation when you found out your baby was a girl. Yes, of course you were excited, but also worried about the obstacles already set against her. You feared her mistreatment. You feared her dismissal. You feared her being disregarded as nothing more than a "pretty pretty princess."

You'd attempted to voice these concerns to your husband one night as you readied your daughter for bed.

"But she IS a princess! What is wrong with that?" M'Baku cooed, taking her from you. She was so tiny in his broad hands. This giant man absolutely melted whenever he held her and you could see the pride gleaming in his eyes. He leaned her up against his rumbling chest as he hummed Jabari lullabies and her eyelids fluttered closed.

You'd decided not to bring it up again, knowing that at least she was always safe with her baba.

She was five now, and the concern still lived in the back of your mind. You winced every time someone met your daughter and instantly commented on how pretty she was. How she must be a princess because she was so pretty. You felt as though your child was being boiled down to pink and sparkles every time the word 'princess' was uttered. Even her father called her that.

You decided you would speak to M'Baku about it again. Surely he would listen to you as Jabari women were meant to be strong! They were warriors and strategists, not fluffy princesses.

You strode towards your bedchambers, determined to speak with your husband. You stopped when you overheard his voice in your daughter's play room. You peered around the threshold and listened.

"Can I touch you?" M'Baku asked.

"NO!" your daughter yelled. She stamped her foot and put her tiny hand in his face as he approached her.

"EXACTLY!" M'Baku boomed. "No one can touch you without your consent. Not even for a hug."

She looked pensive for a moment, her tiny brown face screwing up in concentration. She decided to flip the lesson around to see if she understood it.

"Can I touch you?" she asked her father.

"Yes, you may," M'Baku allowed.

She tugged on his pant leg, imploring him to sit down amongst her toys. He obliged and positioned his hulking body precariously on a small wooden chair. She climbed eagerly on to his knee.

"Well, Princess, it seems we have a problem in Jabariland, and I, your royal advisor, want to go over some things with you," M'Baku began, elongating his voice to sound very official. He gestured to the knit dolls and wooden animals strewn across the floor.

"It seems the watering hole has dried up. There is no water left in Rhino Town." M'Baku looked at his daughter very seriously, waiting for her to absorb the problem. She mirrored him and furrowed her brow.

"The dolls have plenty of water in their village, but they do not want to share. They want to sell the water to the Rhinos so they can make money."

Your daughter gasped, looking appalled.

"It is your job, Princess, to instruct your people on what to do. What do you think?"

She sat for a moment in silence before hopping off of M'Baku's leg. She teetered over to the dolls, picking one up and staring at it intently.

"If the Rhinos do not get water, they will die, Baba?" she asked.

M'Baku simply nodded, stony faced.

"Then they have to share," she decided matter-of-factly. "They will not sell it."

"But what happens if we run out of water?" M'Baku challenged her, determined to push her just a little bit farther.

"We will use the snow from the mountains," she answered almost instantly.

M'Baku clapped his mighty hands together and cheered.

"Glory be to Hanuman! You really are a wonder! Snow for water! How smart!"

She bounced up and down, giggling. M'Baku leaned in towards her, serious again.

"And remember, little one. To be a good princess we must be smart, strong, considerate, and fair. You are always capable and you are always worthy."

You didn't realize you had begun to cry. Your small sniffle gave away your position. Your daughter ran over to you.

"Mommy!" she squealed. "Come play Princess with us! You can be the queen."

You hurriedly wiped your face as you smiled, embarrassed by your tears. But she was perceptive and had seen you crying. Her small face twisted up again as she figured out how to fix your problem.

"Can I touch you?" she asked finally. You nodded.

You smiled as your little princess enveloped you in a tight hug.

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