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"WHY, HANUMAN?! WHY?" you cursed, bursting through the large wooden doors of your walk in closet. The last dress you'd tried on was still hooked around your ankle and you tripped a bit.

You'd spent the last hour and a half trying to find the right dress for the Wakandan Diplomat Ball tonight, but nothing was working.

You'd tried to be kind to yourself in the mirror, but the negative thoughts crept in when dress after dress after dress fell short of your expectations. So now, here you were, standing in your lingerie atop a graveyard of outfits.

"For the love of..." you muttered, snatching the offending garment from your ankle. You turned to your husband who was lying on the bed. M'Baku hadn't even begun to get ready for the party, instead lounging around in his underwear. You glared at him. Men had it so damn easy.

"Babe," you called to him, turning to the mirror and sucking in your stomach. "I'm fat."

"Yes, you are," M'Baku agreed, unmoving from his position on his bed. You whipped around, a look of shock on your face.

"You're not supposed to agree! It's a BAD thing!" you whined, feeling your cheeks burn up in a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Eh?" M'Baku asked, propping himself up on his elbows.

"What do you mean, 'eh?'" you spat. You'd begun to fixate in the mirror again, wobbling your arms in a dramatic fashion. "I just... don't feel beautiful... and tonight's so important."

"Oh, come, Y/N. You're smarter than that," M'Baku chuckled. "Fat and beautiful aren't mutually exclusive."

M'Baku's eyes raked over your curves appreciatively. It was a look you'd seen a million times. You felt suddenly emboldened. How did he do this to you? Flip your insecurities around and expose how silly they were with just a few sentences...

You shook your head.

"Okay, but I still don't have anything to wear!" you stressed, throwing up your hands. "The ball is in a few hours and all I've managed to put together are panties and a bra! Help!"

M'Baku got up and approached you. He stood behind you, his massive frame overtaking your small reflection in the mirror. His large hands snaked around the stomach you'd been conscious about only a moment before.

"You're overdressed," he hummed.

You raised an eyebrow as he began to pull at the clasps of your bra. "This... is all too much. I personally never want to see you wear clothes ever again."

M'Baku removed your bra and your breasts fell against your chest. Instinctively, you went to cover them with your hands, but M'Baku held your arms behind your back.

"Don't," he growled, a familiar dominant lust in his voice. He pulled you back to the bed with him, his dick hardening with every step.

"M'Baku, the ball is in two hours!" you weakly protested. Who were you kidding? You wanted this. "We don't have enough time!"

M'Baku paused for a moment, calculating behind his eyes. He suddenly shrugged, having made up his mind.

"Two hours. So only 8 orgasms then."

He pounced.

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