Chapter 1

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Allen POV

I wonder what would happen if I left this school right now.  Would they search for me? Call out my name like they cared? Would they even notice that I had left?

Of course they probably wouldn't.  Not if they knew how to play their cards right.  If anyone even helped me all of the "popular" kids in my class would throw a hissy fit and come for me.

All they saw when they looked at me was the small kid who had mousy looks and always sat in the back of the class.  It was true for the most part but it was never something I actually wanted to acknowledge. My hair was brown and stuck out everywhich way, and my nose scruched up whenever I smiled or laughed, just like a fucking mouse.  My eyes were brown and almond shaped so it looked like I was squinting all the time, and my ears were huge.

The other kids would never let me forget all my faults.  I would never be a beefy football player, or lean swimmer.  

I am a fucking disappointment.

"Mr. Dale what is the answer to question number three?"  My teacher glared at me.

It must have been obvious that I wasn't paying attention to the math lesson.  The window was just so much more interesting then the plan walls of the classroom and the numbers on the board.

"Six,"  I said, taking a shot in the dark.  I didn't even look at the problem.

The whole class was looking at me with amused expressions.  They loved it when I screwed up. They will taunt me for the rest of the day because of it.


"Mrs. Wanckis," some bitch in the front said before glancing back at me, " if Allen isn't going to pay attention shouldn't he just leave?  After all, him making faces out the window is quite distracting. Don't ya think?"

The rest of the class snickered.  They told me yesterday that they 'didn't want to breathe the same air as me' so I guess this is their way of getting me away from them.  I'm not going to argue if they want me to leave. I don't want to be in a place full of people who don't want me.

"I suppose your right," Mrs. Wanckis muttered, "Allen go to the office."


I nodded and headed out the plain brown door.  Everything in this school is plain, there were no pictures or posters on any of the walls or lockers.  The floor was plain white tiles bleaching the place of any color it might have had on the slightly tinted green walls.

I hate plain things, they have no personality, and they bore me to death.  I want to go somewhere where there is color, and people are accepting of people's differences.  

I speeded up my pace through the stupid hallway to the office.  It's not that I wanted to be there, it was just that anywhere was better than one of the stuffy old classrooms.

When I made it to the office I took my usual chair in the corner by the water dispenser.  I looked for the office lady Mrs. Moore, who was actually pretty nice but she was nowhere to be seen.  She was an older blonde lady who always wore bright colors to stand out. She was quite enthusiastic.

Suddenly she popped out of nowhere and said in a cheerful voice, "Allen I thought I told you I didn't want to see you down here again.  The only exception is for a prize."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at her.  Of course this is what she brings up when seeing me for the second time this week, it's only Wednesday.

"I just missed you so much,"  I retorted giggling.  

Don't judge me for the giggle!  It's hard to keep a straight face when you're trying to be playful to the only person who lets you.

"Of course you did,"  she sent an over exaggerated playful wink at me, "It's not like you have anything better to do, math class can be so very boring."

"So she already called you, huh." Of course Mrs. Wanckis couldn't wait awhile before sending me into the wolf's den.

"Don't worry honey, you have a minute before the principal gets here.  He's registering a new student."

Well that is some good news.  I nodded and went silent, preparing for my I did nothing wrong speech.

Within a few minutes a giant followed by my principal and 2 more giants came out of the room.  He had black hair and wild looking eyes, not to mention his full lips and sharp ass cheek bone.  He was wearing a tight white tee and jeans that hugged his ass nicely. Looking at him I had to say he was at least 6'7.  His muscles are bigger than my head, he probably has ten pack abs.

I refuse to believe that I'm drooling over a guy that could snap me in half in seconds.  The more I looked the more trouble I knew I was about to be in. 

My little twink heart couldn't take it.

He looked at me for not even 10 seconds before deciding I wasn't worth his time and walked out.  It was more than his parents did though, they didn't even notice my presence. It was strange though, his dad started smirking right after the boy man had spared me a glance.

"Come on in Allen.  Let's have our daily chat."  Sometimes I really dislike my principal.  Especially in these moments when he ruins my day dreams of sexy dudes.


After serving the detention I got for 'distracting my classmates', I headed home.

Well, it was as close to a home as I could have right now.  It was my foster home, that belonged to the coopers. They were nice enough, but the neighbors weren't.  If I so much as stepped on their lawns they would call my foster parents and demand I be punished.

They were under the belief that all foster children are criminals and needed to be kept on a short leash.  It was fine though, I was used to it.  

I got to the tan house on the end of Gate road and headed up the steps.  They were freshly painted and showed no signs of cracking, which was to be expected since I helped Mr. Cooper painted them yesterday.  The flowers in the barrel next to the door added some contrast to the plain tan and white colors of the house.

"I'm back!"

Nobody answered so it was safe to safe I was home alone.  

Glaring at the clock, I saw it was 4:30 so I started on dinner.   I ended up making spaghetti. The tomato sauce was half-assed since I was really tired but I wasn't really in the mood for cooking today.  

I ate in a record breaking 4 minutes and put 2 plates in the fridge for when my foster parents get back from work.  

I was kind of happy they worked so much.  It gave me a chance to recharge from all the social interactions from school, and let me just be myself.  It was so rare for my foster families to actually let me be alone for fear that I might steal something, it was reassuring that they trusted me so much.

I went upstairs and took a shower before falling into my bed to sleep.  Just another uneventful day in my uneventful life.

I slipped into sweet unconsciousness and dreamed of a new reality where I wasn't mocked for being myself.  A reality where faeries play, and dragons flew. I knew it would all disappear when I woke up but at least it gave me something to look forward too.

Perhaps tonight I'll even add in a prince.  That way I won't be lonely, if only for just a little bit.

"Good night real world, hello Narnia."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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