Chapter 1-First Day of Hell

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Hi I'm Isabella Rivera. My dad is in the military. I don't see him that much but my mom and him always argue.I'm 16 I'm in 12 grade. I sing,Dance,Play soccer,volleyball,basketball,Make people's day. I just don't sing in front of anyone but my Best friend and ex-boyfriend. But anyways I woke to mother screaming on the phone at my father in my room. I turned over and threw a pillow at her head, it hit her and she left my room but then I realized why they were arguing. My mother yelled in the phone,"No!You will not take my daughter away from me!" I groaned knowing it's going to be about 2 years until I speak to my father. I got into the shower and stuff then brushed my teeth and hair and walked out the bathroom to my closet and got out:
A galaxy long sleeve Crop Top(scars)
Black skinny jeans
Galaxy Vans
Bandanna (Galaxy)
No makeup
A leather jacket
Then grabbed my iPhone 5c(green) and book bag with my green beats and walked downstairs to get my house keys and went outside to shoot hoops while waiting for my friends to pick me up for school.They came and we rode down the streets of New York. We got to school and I ran into someone that I didn't want to. One of my main bullies:Ashley(The bitch of the school)
She said," Eww! Why are you still alive?!" I laughed and said," Because I'm a boss ass Bitch." Everyone around us 'OOH' and screamed. Then Ashley said,"At least my parents are still together and love me."By then I was pissed,"Then,Ashley why did I see your father kissing someone who sure the hell was your mother and their was a kid with them calling him 'dad'?" She looked embarrassed but said something,"Bitch!I wish you die!So does everyone else! You and your whore-ish mother!" I screamed and went to her and blacked out. I knew I hit her really bad and stomped her face then slammed her face to the ground. it's one thing to say that shit about me but not my mother. I was then pulled out of my trance and got up and walked to my first class with little bit of blood on me. It was in the middle of Honors Language Arts when the announcements came on all over the school so everyone can hear,"Isabella Rivera!We need you in the office it's an emergency in your family!" I was scared. I got up and looked at the class and left to the office when I made it down to the office I walked up to the school police officer who was crying and said,"Whats going on?!" He looked at me and said something I didn't want to hear EVER! "Isabella,Your mother died."he whispered but I heard him and screamed. Which made him jump. Everyone in the office tried to hug me but I ran upstairs and went into my class and started knocking things off the counter screaming,"Why?! It's all my fault! It should've been me!" Then I threw my desk and broke the window. The teacher said,"Isabella.Stop before I call you mother!"I laughed,"go ahead she's not going to answer."He looked confused and said,"Why is she at work I'll call her later."I chuckled once again and said,"No Dipshit She died just a few minutes ago. But I find this as a while you look stupid I'm looking for my mother."He said ," I'm sorry Isabella it's ture. your mother died.look" I look at his phone it said,"Tara Cole(marriage last name was Rivera but she got her real last name back) was in a accident and died she has a 16 year daughter named,Isabella Rivera.If she is with you keep her in sight-" That's all I heard before I ran into the hallway screaming,"WHY!? SHE PROMISED!'FOREVER AND ALWAYS' SHES GONE!SHE ALWAYS BREAKS HER DAMN PROMISES.BUT I DONT.I NEED HER!SHES MY STRENGTH AND MY SHIELD!SHE WAS HELPING ME MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE!IF SHES GONE I GO INTO THE SYSTEM AND GET TAKEN INTO FOSTER CARE!"By then everyone was out of their class surrounding me. Some laughing at me.Alot crying. Someone then said,"Well,she deserved to die just like your ugly ass!" I got fed up and went to a locker and punched it.I heard gasps but didn't look behind me or in front of me.Dillon,My best friend came up to me and said,"Shh,Babe it's okay .Tell me what happened."(he's a boy he is 17)I cried Even harder."She's gone Dillon.Never coming back".He sighed then said,"Come on bellz let's get this off your arm and clean the blood off."he was starting to cry.He's like a brother.I was confused what was on my arm? I looked down to see the locker on my arm.I laughed and so did Dillon. Then he got it off my arm and got a lot of paper towels with water on them and started to get the blood off of me.Then I remembered something.I always say if my mother dies I die to.I snatch my arm from Dillon and ran,I ran outside to the curb by a really busy street.I seen a limo go pass but they are probably going somewhere else.I stood there still crying and said,"So this is what all of you want but my best friend/brother wants?!You want me to KILL myself?"they all put their heads down while Dillon says,"No!BabyGirl don't do it!I need you!"I scoff,"Yeah,right.I need my mother! But what you need isn't always what you want."I by then was ready to step out into the street until someone tackled me.I said,"WTF!GET OFF ME!I NEED MY MOM!SHE WAS HELPING ME ACHIEVE MY GOAL AND WITHOUT HER,I HAVE NO GOAL SO WHATS THE POINT OF LIVING!?" I realized who it was,it was Jack Gilinsky. He said,"Never give up on your dream!"I bursts into laughter and said,"You don't know me or my dream so why would you care the only one who knows my dream is my MOTHER and DILLON!" I said a little harsh but thenHe asked,"What is your dream?Isabella."woah how DAFAQ does he know my name? "I'm afraid that's non of your business." I just stare at him and then push him off me.(not like that you Nashty) I walk up to Dillon and hug him tight and cry onto his shoulder he picks me up and sits on a bench then sits me on his lap.
<Carter's POV>
We were driving to a school in New York to get the other girl who is also going to be in MAGCON. But I seen everyone outside and someone yellings,"you want me to kill myself?"People put their heads down then one boy said,"No!BabyGirl don't do it!I need you!"She scoffed and said,"Yeah,Right.I need my mother!But what you need isn't always what you want!"she had a point.She went to step into the street but before she could I told Jack G.He ran and tackled her.She flipped out.Im thinking that's the girl who is invited to MAGCON. But how did Jack G know that?Thats her because she always is cursing at someone in her vines/youtube videos and her best friend is Dillon the one who is comforting her. I walked over to Dillon and Isabella and said,"Hey!Im Carter Reynolds.I was wondering can I speak to Isabella Rivera please?" they nodded I sat next to her and said,"Sorry, about that it's just we wouldn't want you to kill yourself when your dream is coming true." she looked confused but stopped crying.and said,"What are you talking about and how do you know me and my dream?" I said,"well I watch you on YouTube and vine and you and Dillon are going to MAGCON!" She smiled and said,"Mom it's happening!Its coming true!Thank you! I wish you were here." then everyone heard someone say,"I am here. I'm right next to you Izzy."Her mother?! she said,"Mom!shes here!"she was smiling then said,"Forever and Always?!Mommy?"her mother replied,"forever and always!Bellz!I love you now wait until Greg leaves the house to pack and leave.okay?" Bella said,"Okay.Bye mom."(TFIOS).Everyone was smiling or crying because how her mother is still by her side.Then Isabella tackled me into a hug.i asked,"Why are you hugging me?Bruh."She laughed so hard like she was crying then ran to Dillon and said," Bæ we going to MAGCON or naw?!" He chuckled and threw her over his shoulder and ran while she was hitting his back.If they were to date they would make a cute couple.He is really tall compared to her.He's like 6'4 and she's like 5'0 it's just cute.I was laughing but it seems to me that the others are jealous of Isabella's and Dillon's relationship. Then Brent walks up to me and said," Isn't weird how I have a twin sister but she was stolen from hospital named Isabella Rosa Rivera?" Wow I didn't notice that but that's crazy it can't be her,"Yeah. But it could be someone else I mean your mother never told you her middle name did she?" He looked down and said,"Yes,But that's probably not her." Man it probably is doe but he won't ask her."Dude!ask her for her middle name.Bruh."he nodded.
Brent's POV
I walked to Isabella and Dillon while he had her on his shoulder and said,"Isabella can I talk to you?" she looked up and said,"Yeah Rivera what's up?"I chuckled causse im guessing that's her nickname for me knowing we have the same last name. Anyways,"whats your middle name?" She looked at me confused but said,"My whole name is Isabella Rosa Rivera.Why?"OMG!''Isabella your my twin sister." I said that she blankly stared at me and said,"NO!NO I AM NOT. MY REAL MOTHER DIED AND MY REAL FATHER IS IN THE MILITARY. BRENT JUST STOP!"She said that with like no emotion at all. then Dillon came up and said,"What did you say?!She is blacking out. That's not good she hurts herself or people when she blacks out."By then I was scared and worried but managed to say,"Isabella is my twin." Isabella then had stuff flying around her and Dillon. "What's going on Dillon?"He yelled over,"Isabella has powers! Don't say nothing though."Im scared.Isabella started to chuckle and said,"I never had a good life. Then something bad happens and I get told I'm a twin of a famous teenaged dirtbag? Haha No."(no hate against Brent He bæ) She had fire coming from her palms and she yelled and the ground shook.I know now not to get her angry.Dillon was saying something in her ear and I heard him say,"Isabella!Your powers. Stop or you'll have to go to the military base where your dad is and be used as a weapon remember your dad told you that when you were 2 years old. Calm down Sarah."Sarah? Then everything went onto the ground and Isabella was crying while hugging Dillon.I heard someone scream,"HELP!HELP!" I looked to see someone pinned with a gun to their head by a guy. Out of know where Isabella did the unexpected....

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