Surgery and Recovery

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Dianne was in the hospital as she needed surgery to take out her appendix. She was a little nervous, it had happened all quite quickly as originally Joe had taken her to their local doctors that morning when she had been complaining of stomach pains. The doctors had done a scan but referred her onto the hospital who confirmed she needed her appendix taken out. Right now she didn't want to be alone, but at least Joe coul be with her right up until they took her back.

Joe was talking to her gently, helping ease her nerves.
"It's going to be over before you know it Di, I promise. I'll be right outside waiting for you and come see you as soon as I'm allowed to" he told her, holding her hand right up until the doctors came back in to say they were ready to take her back for surgery.

"I love you little one" Joe said and kissed her forehead before he left to go back to the waiting room. The doctor then walked over to Dianne who was lying on a hospital bed.

"Hi Dianne" the doctor greeted "Can you move onto here lie for me please?"

They brought up a bed on wheels with railings either side and Dianne moved carefully, still a little nervous and in pain but she hid it well.

"Now, we're going to move this bed into the operating theatre which is just down the corridor behind this room. But first, we want to make sure you're comfortable. We'll move you down there and then you'll be given anaesthetic and wake up in the recovery room afterwards, it is only a short surgery"

The bed was then moved out of the door at the back of the room and along a corridor. The girl watched curiously as they passed, the nurse walked next to her and held her hand which helped her to stay calm.

Once they reached the room, Dianne was transferred onto an examination table. There was a few more people in here, she started to feel worried again.

"Right, lets get started shall we?" The doctor said, picking up the stickers for the heart monitor machine "I'm just going to put these on your chest so I can keep an eye on and measure your heart rate and make sure your heart is all healthy"

She placed the stickers across Dianne's chest before switching the machine on. It beeped in time with her heart. The nurse stroked her arm soothingly before getting the oxygen cannula. That fitted just under her nose to help with her breathing.

"Alright, I think you're all wired up and ready to go just about" The doctor said, checking that Dianne was as comfortable as possible.

The anaesthetist had prepared the syringe. It went into her arm. Dianne could feel the sharp pain as the needle sank into her flesh before being removed again, but she did fall asleep fairly quickly.


Joe was just sat in the waiting room for what felt like an eternity. Things had all happened so suddenly, he didn't think Diannes stomach ache would be anything too bad or to worry about but as he was quite a worrier and she seemed in pain he had booked a doctors appointment to ease both their minds. Turns out her appendix was acting up and needed taking it. The doctor said if they had been later it could have burst and that would be a lot worse so really it was good that he had taken Dianne to the doctors but still he couldn't help worrying about her.

After what seemed like forever a nurse walked out and told him Dianne was in recovery. He was allowed to go see her and jumped at the chance, getting there as quickly as possible. It was a little frightening to see her lying so still in a hospital bed and they still had her on oxygen plus there was the bandage on her stomach and the hospital gown which all reminded him that she had been poorly but now she was recovering hopefully.
He sat down by the bed and took her hand, holding it in his and waiting for Dianne to wake up once the anaesthetic shot wore off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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