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Crying. . . it's the word that describes what's heard when a newborn is brought into the world.Every newborn does it,but this time,unlike the other babies, this newborn, was letting out a roar of power. A roar that shook the hospital violently. The power turning off and on over and over and over again.
The doctors and nurses rushing all over the hospital to take care of the patients that were needing life support. Soon, the anomaly stopped and everything stood still.

-15 minutes later-
A mother is holding her now clean baby. She smiled as she looked at the babies features. Messy emerald green hair, just like his mother.Big round eyes that he got from his father, but the green pupils were his mothers.Four freckles each dotting the left and right side of his face a recessive trait from the father's side.He had soft skin that complimented his looks. Though, above all their was one peculiar thing about this babies features. . . A fuzzy brown monkey tail attached to the tail bone of the sleeping baby. This was completely new to the green haired mother. She hadn't seen any of this from her side of the family or from the passed father's side of the family. Well, that didn't matter to her. She was glad, knowing her boy had a quirk and that he would be accepted into society. She closed her eyes as she joined her newborn son in a deep sleep.

-4 years later-

The newborn that was named Izuku Midoriya, is now four years old and attending pre-k. Inko Midoriya,Izuku's mother, is currently dropping off her son. "Come on izuku, it's not so bad, you'll be able to make new friends that are your age. I'm sure they'll like you" Inko said trying to encourage her son. He was currently hiding behind her leg. "A-are you sure?" He said in a nervous tone while looking up to at his mother. She smiled and lowered to him, "Izuku, would I ever lie to you?" She questioned.Izuku shook his head from side to side. Inko pats his head gently, "Izuku, mommy promises that you'll have fun. Now go on have fun." She said giving a bright smile to her son. Izuku looks to his mother as she smiles, he hugs his mom tightly and then runs into the pre-k with his monkey tail swaying behind him. Inko looks as she sees her son looking around and then go play with a ball. Her toothy grin turns in a gentle smirk. She then leaves the building after signing him in.

Izuku was playing with the pink ball that he found in the floor. He threw it into the air a couple of times and caught it. Though he stopped when it bounced off of his forehead causing him to fall in his butt as well as causing the ball to roll away. Izuku shook his head a bit and went to go get the ball. Upon reaching the ball, he saw a pair of hands grab onto it. Izuku looked up to see a girl with permanent pink rosy cheeks, a brown bob cut, and big round eyes like izukus, but she had brown pupils. The two looked at each other for about 1.7 seconds till one of them spoke. "Oh! Sorry were you playing with this?" The girl asks Izuku. Izuku snapped back into reality, "y-yeah" he said stuttering. The girl smiles brightly, causing the green glazed cinnamon roll to stumble back a bit. "Do you mind if I play with you?" She asked in a gentle tone. "N-no I d-don't mind." He replied nervously. She gave one last smile and backed up a bit as she was about to throw she remembered something. "Oh yeah! What's your name?" She asked. "I-I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku said in reply to her question. "Oh I'm. . .im o-otaco? I mean o-Ochako, Ochako uraraka!" She said in a joyful tone. Izuku looked at her and couldn't help but feel happy too. "D-does that make us friends?" Izuku asked. "Yep! Your my new BEST friend!" She said in an even brighter and more joyful tone.

Izuku couldn't help, but smile and laugh from her aura. The two began to play catch with the ball that they held. They had a lot of fun even without the ball.

Now it was lunch time, and the two friends were sitting next to each other.
"Hey Midoriya-kun, is that tail part of your quirk?" Ochako asks. "O-oh, yeah it is, the dotcor said it's a part of something bigger, but I haven't found anything new. . ." His tone was dragged down at the ending of the sentence. Ochako picked up on it. "Don't get down Midoriya-kun! I'm sure you'll find out eventually!" Ochako says in a joyful tone. Midoriya looks at her as he lets out a smile. "Thank you Uraraka-Chan, that really means a lot."he said while giving a bright toothy smile. Ochako stumbles back a bit and hit a boy behind her on accident."o-oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" She was interrupted by an angry look from the child she bumped into to. The child had sandy blonde hair, red eyes, and a point jaw. His hands were causing explosions. "Oh? So you can interrupt me? The person who has the best quirk among them all?!" He yells. Ochako slides over to Izuku. The boy got up and grabbed Ochako by the collar and he threw her down. "I'll show you-" that's enough!" The kid was interrupted by Izuku landing a punch on the sand colored hair kid. The kid fell back and rubbed his cheek. Two other kids came to help him up,but they were blasted back. "Tch! I'll get your for this round face and you Deku! No one hits the mighty Bakugo and gets away with it!" The kid said and let them get away with it as he ran off. "Well, That was weird." Izuku and Ochako say at the same time.

They dodged a few more encounters with Bakugo. Now the two were drawing their favorite two heroes. "Hey,hey! Izuku-kin who did you draw?" Ochako asks excitedly. Izuku looked to her and showed her what he was drawing. "I'm drawing All might! He so cool! He saved a hundred people without trying, while he was smiling! I wanna be just like him when I'm bigger and stronger!" He says pumping his fist up into the air. Ochako giggles and then looks to her drawing and shows it to Izuku. "Well it's not as cool, but I drew the space hero Thirteen! I really find. .. IT cool, thirteens saved so many lives! I really wanna be like thirteen," She says looking down. Izuku looks to his friend. "I'm sure you will Ochako, once you get your quirk, you'll definitely grow to be a great hero, I just know it." Izuku says with motivation radiating from him. Ochako looked to Izuku and absorbed all that motivation. "Thank you Izuku-Kun. For everything," she said as she hugged him. Izuku returned the hug,gently smiling.

Eventually, the day had ended, and Izuku was holding his mothers hand as they walked out of the day care. "So sweetie, did you make new friends?" Inko asked. "Yes I did momma!" Izuku cheerfully said.

Inko looked at her son with pride, 'I hope this never ends. . .' She thought to herself.

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