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Ship: Bakudeku

Warning! Angst, mentions of s****de. Please skip this story if you're easily triggered or dislike this kind of stuff. I hope you all are okay tho :< (also this doesn't have the happiest ending to like- prepare ur tissue boxes..? i think?)





Izuku had been thinking about this a lot lately.

"Oh, out of all the people I could end up chatting with.. What do you want loser?"

And honestly, he really didn't mind the idea at all. Not anymore

"Did you mean what you said yesterday? When you told me to um..."

"SPIT IT OUT DEKU! You're wasting my time!"

Bakugo's voice echoed in the empty halls of UA High School, causing him to flinch when he yelled, half expecting to be beaten. Class 1-A had already left, and the last few students had just walked out, so now, it was just the two of them. His hands found their way to the straps of his bag, hooking his thumbs underneath the yellow fabric.

"D-did you mean it when you told m-me to take a s-swan dive off the roof..?"

Bakugo clicked his tongue, scowling at him as he tried to cover up his fear. Fear of confrontation and fear of what he had done. "That was in fucking middle school. Is that all?" He shot a half hearted glare at his friend. Truth is he regretted everything he had said to hurt him, but he would never admit that. Feelings? Pfft, fuck that right?

He managed to choke out a fake laugh. "You'd just be  one less person in the world for me to worry about."

Score. That's all Izuku needed.

The green-haired boy sighed, somewhat content with Bakugo's answer. "Oh.. okay. Um, well I hope you're happier when I'm gone." He acted as if nothing had ever happened; shone his brightest smile and gripped his bag straps.

"Bye Kacchan!"

The tough expression that Bakugo always wore faltered for a second, startled by his sudden change in behavior.

"Hey, hey- WAIT!" Izuku felt a hand roughly grab his shirt. He knew who it was, but he didn't want to let the boy stop him.

"Let go! Kacchan..!" He struggled furiously, stretching the back of his shirt. 'Kacchan' wrestled with the boy, muffling a harsh cough as he copped an elbow to the stomach. "Deku. Fucking stop!" He growled in his ear, only making him jump in fright and- accidently- butting him in the face, causing his lip to split.

"Fuck!" Bakugo stumbled back, one hand coming up to his face to dab at his mouth. Thinking he was free, Izuku tried to dart away, only to be jerked back again by the only other person left in the hall. "Don't go anywhere you shitnerd." The said blonde pulled him closer and grabbed his shoulders, forcefully turning him around to meet his gaze.

Bakugo gripped his shoulders and shook him slightly."I can't be Number One if you go and throw yourself off a building!!"


Confused, Izuku stares into space. "Wait, but.. b-but you said.." Now processing what was happening, the small boy shoved him away. "You don't actually care do you?? You just don't want to be blamed for anything!" Izuku yelled angrily. Recovering from his stumble, Bakugo was about to try and reason with him before he was interrupted by another hate-filled scream

"You said it!! You said you didn't care!!"

Bakugo clenched his fists in frustration. "Maybe I don't care, but I'm the only thing between you and certain death right now, so maybe you could show a little more appreciation, yeah?" He said a little to calmly, jaw clenching and fists turning white. "Do you see anybody else up there, chasing after you and trying to stop you from jumping?"

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