Every human being is in a state of insufficiency; you want to be something more than what you are right now. It is actually desire to expand. That is your basic nature. Your Life Energy (due to Soul-Supreme) make you Expand and become Infinite.
Your mind with the negative thoughts and emotions brings in lot of negativities and they become your enemies. When you Discipline your mind (Positive) and get rid of negativities, you conserve your energy (Positive). With Positive emotions you conserve energy so they become your energy. Calmness and Serenity of mind (Positive) leads to Conservation of energy due to positivity.
As per your body, mind and intellect each one of you is differently capable. But when it comes to your Inner Energy (Soul) you all are equally capable. If you understand that you are a powerhouse, your journey through life becomes effortless and to the fullest potential.
How will you do in life was determined by IQ (Intelligent quotient) and EQ (Emotional quotient). You depended on these two factors only but they failed. You were in pathetic confusion and deeply disturbed because there was no other factor to stand upon.
It means something beyond these two factors was needed, that is SQ (Spiritual quotient).
The solution lies within you. Turn inwards you have all the Power within you (Positive energy) attracts more Positive and you can create a world full of Love, Light and Laughter (Positive).
Conservation of energy is by subduing agitated mind due to irritability, anger, anxiety, worry and other negatives.Maximum wastage of energy is due to negatives, which are like gaping holes, so plug them. Whenever a negative thought arises in mind, some energy is wasted, another negative.
There are 3 channels of leakage of energy.
1- Memories and regrets of past.
2- Anxiety for future.
3- Excitement of the present.
All 3 waste lots of energy then you have no energy for any Creative activity for the present.
Right values of living life and Balance of the mind (Positive) lead to Conservation of energy (Positive). Affection, Love, Peace, Equanimity etc. are all positives leading to Conservation of energy. Positive attracts Positive.
External threats and challenges are bound to come to you time and again and you can't escape them. Control the inner confusion. Don't get crushed by external factors. If mind after receiving impulses by thoughts and emotions takes action without guidance of intellect, it leads to confusion and chaos in life. Harmony (Positive) between mind- intellect is Healthy (Positive) which if not there, even if you are physically healthy sense of inner well-being will not be there. EQ, IQ and SQ should be in harmony; EQ means Emotion quotient related to mind. IQ is intellect Quotient. SQ is Spiritual quotient related to awareness of inner energy that comes from your Soul. The harmony of EQ, IQ and SQ leads to inner wellbeing as well as prevention of many chronic diseases and control of them.
Mindful eating can also energize you. When you eat you should know food is from Universe. A short prayer to the Creator to Thank Him for the meal provided to you sends Positivity inside you, a positive attracts more Positive. Don't put anything else into your mouth e.g. your worries, fears and other negative thoughts and emotions. Even watching of T.V and talking on the phone or messaging is distracting your mind away from the task you are doing-eating. Enjoy your food peacefully and with mindfulness. This way your energies are focused on eating only.
Recipes For Peaceful Life
DuchoweThis book is about the situations you face in day to day life and how to tackle them on your own. you have all the power within you but you don't realise it. so be aware of all your powers and face the challenges and lead a peaceful and happy life.