Chapter One A Hit In The Head

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The light of the silver moon shown through the tall pine trees as a stream of snow covered my brown hair, making it white. I held my sister, Kristina's, hand and looked at my brother, Herobrine, every few minutes.

My brother had changed a lot since we all were forced to leave the only home we ever knew. If my dad, The God of The Nether, hadn't made us leave my brother might not be the way he is today.

"We're almost there and when we are I don't want to hear any noise. The village gets alerted very easily so when you go to kill, make sure it's quiet. Clean up any mess you make," Herobrine said with anger in his voice, mostly because last time we did this the whole village woke and well... Let's just say we don't want it to happen again.

I didn't dare speak but Kristina did, she always does and always gets yelled at for it. "Well if you wouldn't yell at us for every small thing we do, we wouldn't wake the whole damn village now would we?"

Herobrine stopped immediately, his eyes glowing brighter than the silvery moon, brighter than the white snow, brighter than diamonds. He then turned around and with one swift motion slapped Kristina, leaving a red mark clearly planted across her pale face.

With the slap Kristina's eyes grew bright as she lunged at Hero, causing him to fall down, both punching and slapping the other.

"Stop it! I'm tired of your fighting! Let's just get this over with already!" I was fed up with all their fighting, I just couldn't stand it sometimes. Hero pushed Kristina off of him and walked slowly over to me with hate in his white heartless eyes.

I shrank inside, terrified of what he was going to do. Tears formed in my eyes as he raised his fist, ready to punch me square in the nose.

That was until Kristina grabbed his wrist and with words like venom said, "Touch her and I will kill you. She did nothing wrong. Let's get walking." He snatched his wrist away her, narrowing his eyes in anger as she gently grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

It was only a few minutes later until we got to the village, and those few minutes were full of silence and evil stares.

It didn't use to be like this. Once upon a time we all loved each other and almost never fought, it seems like a dream now but I know it was real.

Herobrine looked at us and pulled out his sword, a bright diamond sword that was stained red at the top. That was his way of saying, "We are here. Pull out your weapons and don't say a word." Kristina and I both nodded and pulled out our diamond swords at the same time.

After that we all split up and headed in to the village alone, ready to kill. Little did I know that was the last time I would see my siblings for a very long time.

I silently walked through the tall grass and hit the deck every time I heard a noise. This wasn't your normal Minecraft village, this was made by Minecrafters, people who invaded the land and slay its natives who are just trying to protect this great land.

That's why I never really felt bad for killing them, I mean in a way didn't they deserve this?

I slowly approached the first house, it's a small wood and brick house with a few torches inside. If I looked closely enough I could see the shadow of someone inside. They seemed to be working at a crafting bench; I wasn't too sure on that though.

To avoid walking through the person's farm, which would make lots of noise, I teleported inside the person's house. With a shaky breathe I stood as still as possible for I had teleported a little too far and ended up right outside the villagers bedroom, at least I think it was their bedroom.

Something fell to the floor with a loud bang as I heard someone whisper, "Stupid Enderman sounds... I cut my finger..." I bit my lip, the person was making a sword, but sighed happily as the smell of blood made its way to my nose.

The floor creaked as the person walked to another part of the room and out a doorway which lead to who knows where.

Finally I built up enough courage to look inside the room but saw no one. However, I did get chills when the cold blade of a sword was pressed against my neck.

"I knew that enderman teleport sounded close. I didn't except it to be a girl though... Who are you and why are you here?" After the person finished I could tell he was a guy by the way his voice sounded.

"Perhaps you shouldn't do this... I'm not just a normal girl!" With that I kicked backwards and by the sound of it I hit him straight in the crotch, which I'm not gonna lie, I was sorta proud of.

He through his sword, the blade cutting my arm wide open, then he advanced and hit my in the head with the end of his sword. Everything went black...

I woke to the splash of water in my face and a smiling boy in front of me. Out of fear and anger I tried to move but my hands were chained to the small bed I lay on. "I never would have guessed it was you until I saw your eyes... Pure white." He turned away and sighed.

"Sorry about your head and arm. I patched up your wounds best I could but I must warn you, I'm no doctor."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, but my laugh was so quiet he probably didn't even here it.

"Why did you help me? You had the perfect chance to kill me yet here I am!" Perhaps I should have been grateful that I wasn't dead but I couldn't help but wonder... I'm a killer yet my victim thought he should help me.

"I just did okay. Let's drop it..." With a sigh I relaxed on the bed, only to pull at my bonds a few minutes later.

"They call you Herabrine, is that really your name?" What did he mean is that really my name? "Yes. Is that a problem?" I growl back at him through gritted. "No... I just thought that maybe they called you that because you look a lot like Herobrine." My blood went cold at thee mention of his name.

"Please... Don't ever say that name again..."

He looked somewhat confused yet his eyes showed understanding. This boy was hard to read but that didn't bother me. That fact that I was chained up on a bed with a guy hovering over me was what made my skin crawl.

"C-can you untie me... P-please?" It was a weird thing to say after minutes of silence, the only sound was him looking through piles of papers that littered the room.

He seemed to be pulled out of a trance, and slowly looked over to me. "I can't trust you. A few hours ago you tried to kill me, can't take any chances."

I sighed at that, the bonds were really starting to hurt. "Well at least loosen them or something... They hurt." I guess that made him feel bad for some reason because I soon as I said that he loosened the chains.

As he leaned over me I studied him. He had messy dirty blonde hair that fell over his eyes at some points. His eyes were an emerald green yet didn't shine brightly, they looked dull as if the light had been stolen from them.

Maybe I shouldn't have noticed but, his lips curved ever so slightly even though he was frowning, and the gentle pattern of his chest raising up and down as he breathed was a wonder to watch.

He wore a band of some sort around his wrist, it looked like leather but I only saw it for a few seconds before he moved away from me. Not once did he make eye contact. With a sigh, I closed my eyes and held back tears.

I must have feel asleep because when I opened my eyes again the sky was a purple and the orange light from the sun was just below the horizon, ready to greet the world with its heat and light.

The boy came into the room and sat on the bed I was chained to, then he just stared at me. I don't know why but I started feeling self-conscious as he continued to look at me. Then...he just smiled. A true, happy smile. "Sam," was all he said before he quickly left the room.

"Sam... Sam... Sam..." The name echoed in my mind over and over again.

A/N: I hope this first chapter wasn't complete rubbish... I really tried to make it good but I don't know. Hopefully you enjoyed! Leave feedback in the comments if you'd like.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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