Part 1 A beginning

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A long time ago about 2000 years ago in the old equestrian their was a king and queen with precious values of them like jewelry, diamonds, and much more. But then there would be thieves that would steal the items of people and a secret team called Investigators a team of two would take back the items of the thieves and put the items back where they belonged and passed down this generation after generations.

At Rainbow's house...

Rainbow Dash was working on a few objects turning and twisting them to work she got frustrated. Dash: Ughh work! Work already! Great know I have to go to the steam store and buy more screws that's just great!" She said sarcastically and left the house.

At Soarin's house...

Soarin was doing a few experiments on one big object. Soarin loved working with these objects a little to much. Soarin was calmer than Rainbow even though they did not know each other at all. Soarin: Ok well this did not work out right I have to go to the warehouse." And off he went and left his house as well.


Dash was walking carrying books and one object while Soarin on the other side was carrying one book and a smaller object. Rainbow and Soarin were walking and did not notice that they accidentally bumped into each other and dropped all their things.
Dash: Watch who ever you are!" Soarin: You know you could have watched to!" They started to pick up their things when suddenly they both got a call to go to a place but what they did not know was that they were both going to the same place at the exact same time. When they both got there Rainbow said "Ughh what are you doing here!?" Soarin: Well duh my phone called me here." Rainbow: Whatever." They both opened the door and surprised to see a person with yellow hair and green eyes. It was dark in the room and you could only see a small light shining on her while she was smoking a cigarette and said nicely "You may come inside." She said in a British accent. Rainbow HAD to sit next to Soarin but on different chairs. The chairs were in the front of her desk so she could talk to them. The women said "Now that you both sat I may want to introduce myself since I will seeing you a lot my name is Jewel." Rainbow: Nice to meet you Jewel's but why are we here exactly?" Soarin: Yeah why are we here?" Jewel: I will explain... So you both have been chosen to be the next Investigators and Well an Investigator is a person who jumps from house to house using a grapple hook or just your feet it's better to use your feet though and jump across the houses but anyways you will have to work together to get back valuable items that's thieves have stolen from stores, museums, or any other valuable place. You will also put back the items were they belong and return with news." She said then handed them a grapple hook. Soarin and Rainbow said at the same time "What is that?" They both laughed when they said it at the same time. Then looked away because they were blushing slightly. Jewel: Well it is an item that will help you grip onto houses one by one. Dash and Soarin looked frightened. Dash: But I can't jump  that far!?" Soarin: Me either!?" Jewel: Trust me you were born for this LITERALLY. Now your first mission is to get Carmen Sandiego she is one of the worst thieves ever! Here is a picture of her she wears all red." She said then showing a picture.

Jewel said they may leave now and they did

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Jewel said they may leave now and they did. Dash: Ok so we need to split up let's use the grapple hook to swing into the houses. Soarin: Got that!" They saw Carmen on the lose! Rainbow swung onto the houses and said for Soarin to come up two he did as well. Dash: Ok now Jewel said that we should use our feet to jump across houses (gulps)." She said then looked at Soarin. Soarin: Ughh you can go first. Dash: N-No you go first! (Sighs) fine I'll go first." She said then put one boot down and jumped for her life then landed on the other side of the other house. She was shaky but then said "I-I did it!!!" Soarin: Ok dash ima jump as well!" Rainbow thought in her mind the name Dash and she blushed hard. Soarin jumped as well and made it. Soarin: How is this possible!?" Rainbow: Idk! But we have more important things to do! Then just talk!" She said then took Soarin's hand and Soarin blushed as well. They jumped across houses and reached Carmen. Rainbow: Hand it OVER!" Carmen: Hehe why should I!" Soarin distracted Carmen by trying to grab her backpack with the diamond 💎 in it. While Dash snatches the diamond and Soarin left with the grapple hook and Dash said "See ya Carmen you know what they say Finders keepers losers weepers!" The jumped down using the grapple hook as well. When Dash and Soarin found a comfortable spot on the roofs after returning the diamond back to the museum they looked at the sunset. Dash: Wow I never knew this is actually hehe fun but challenging at the same time!" Soarin: Yeah now lets go!" He said then grabbing Rainbow's hand and slid down. Dash: Woah you go fast!" Soarin: See your not the only one that is good!" When they got down they said goodbye. Soarin: See ya tomorrow!" Dash: See ya love you t- that came out wrong!" She laughed then Soarin laughed as well and said "It's ok!" He said then blushed again. Off they went their first adventure of The Investigators!

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